Me personally I’d just make the spell per covenant do the same thing but with a different spell animation, there will always be a meta, whether or not you’re in a bracket where that meta matters is to be seen for most people. But I wouldn’t mind them just adding covenants for the skins/mounts/pets, otherwise they need to find something else to make them appealing.
I haven’t kept up on the spells of late, I typically recheck a month or a couple week out so I don’t know if they’ve radically changed, but I could see people favoring the teleport for skipping packs in dungeons and such and the dps boost for most other things., maybe even the teleport for pvp but you never know it’s kind of hard to get a cast of in a serious rating.
That does seem to be an all encompassing problem with gamers. They make a choice…one or the other. Choose to do X, choose not to do Y…then complain about it in here when their choice isnt resulting in getting them whatever entitlement they seem to believe they are owed, lol.
Its almost like people bring their personal issues into the game with them.
Wouldn’t that kinda make the covenant abilities just a waste of effort then if it all does the same thing just with a different coat of paint? They could of just made the abilities more flare and less power. Then you just pick when you think is cool and move on. But that has its own drawbacks also…
Then why do away with classes and races, and just have a cookie cutter base system where everything is equal. All healers have the exact same heal, there is only one dps class and it has a couple of skills and 1 tank that takes the damage? That way WOW would be perfect right? No class in balance, no need for any extra systems, or skills.
At the same pace we can do away with leveling and just have 1 raid for the entire " season" and that would be the content?
My point is. Their soul binds and skills aren’t just based around raiding and mythic dungeons. They invested a ton of resources into the the open world where alot of those skills are beneficial.
I don’t feel entitled to anything in wow, I just and many others want a game I want to be able to log into all or most of the time and enjoy my time spent. I don’t require upgrades every week as I think how much gear is thrown at it’s players in wow is too much and it diminishes gearing as a reward in the end. Personally I didn’t mind it taking 1-3 months in vanilla/bc to get an upgrade, I was on a high for like 3 weeks after getting it, it felt so good and back then gear meant something, you’d sit afk in town and people would marvel at your mount or gear.
It motivated and people strived to get better to be the same, I’m not saying I need people to look up to me but being a good player completing the entirety of the game because I adapted/researched and improved my self is a great feeling, but it doesn’t hurt to get the mount or gear either.
If anything I think they’ve over catered to the casual player base a bit too much, i would personally reduce the amount of gear sent out and increase the difficulty of most content. Actually I prefer the old difficulties of Normal and Heroic only, I don’t think m+ should have the mythic cache attached to it and it should give you a reward for the raid difficulty you’re doing like the class hall missions did, you kill so and so boss you get a random piece of loot etc. that was fine in my eyes because you were actually doing the content the reward came from.
Now you don’t even need to step into a mythic raid to get mythic geared, just do visions and a 15 a week and get a 475 ilvl. I don’t mind m+ being hardcapped 10 ilvls lower than mythic raid since it’s repeatable/spammable and it only takes 5 players, I don’t think they should increase it anymore, nor do I think they should make them competitive since raiding takes 20 people, a lot more effort/time and people in general to complete and I think they should also have the best rewards no matter what.
You don’t need mythic ilvl quality gear to do world quests or any lower bracket of raid like lfr/norm/heroic just because you got lucky via your 15 cache in my opinion. Just like the wf/titanforging and corruptions systems, I remember getting a rank 3 TD on one of my world quest rings, that shouldn’t exist, the gear you get at any difficulty is more than enough for the content you’re doing.
Says who? If we look at wow progress more than 50% of the player base has done those 15 plus keys you claim only a small amount do. So you would be minority not us
But this is Blizzard you are dealing with here.
Hunter pets were fine when we could choose some of their ability.
Now theyre set in stone, which leaves a hunter having to choose from 1/3 of the possible pets out there instead of being able to choose one that FITS his characters theme.
Bliz could just not do this asinine stuff…and you’d think after a decade and a half of working on this game that they’d figure out what ‘bad’ ideas are and just not have them anymore. But evidently thats not the case with this company.
They make one obvious mistake, then seem to double down on it when confronted on just how bad it really is.
I mean, they just up and removed master loot from serious raiders tool kit.
What else should we expect ?
The problem is making one ability more utility based vs just a damage increase, the problem is the utility, if it’s game breaking to where you can skip packs in an m+ people will gatekeep just because of that, just like how people only bring rogues to m+ for shroud although their damage has been broken it was the main reason why. Anymore I don’t have an issue getting into groups as a non rogue melee just because of the seasonal affix, just as long as I’m competitive enough they’re more than welcoming of someone of equal caliber.
The only reason I said that is because it was a half thought up opinion and quick resolution to their problem, I didn’t put much time into it but basically what that would resolve is people not caring about which covenant they go to other than the cosmetic/mount/pet rewards and it wouldn’t create a new meta that is locked.
Yeah I was just stating my opinion on the matter heh, typically when I reply to someone replying to someone else it’s usually about that, if not then I’ll let them know in the comment.
Exactly. Let everyone play what they want to play. A lot of the arguments I’ve read for keeping Covenants locked are either:
Stick it to the 1% out of spite
The 1% are trying to make the game bad for the 99%
The first argument is obviously selfish and wrong. The second argument is factually incorrect; allowing free and easy Covenant ability swapping doesn’t deprive anyone of anything.
Skipping mob packs in dungeons is a Warcraft dungeon Flaw. Its why I like FFXIVs dungeon designs, its straight forward, and you can’t make any stupid “playing footies” with the enemies to skip most of it. But thats off topic.
Soulbinds and skills will be entirely irrelevant for people who don’t enjoy min-maxing. I happen to enjoy it, and they will impact my enjoyment. Is that hard for you to understand?
Like, seriously, I don’t know what people don’t get about this. Unlocked Covenant abilities while still keeping Covenants themselves mostly locked in would be immensely helpful, and Blizzard as of now still has not demonstrated any great degree of success in keeping the abilities balanced against each other.
This is a really poor comment in a debate, this comment pretty much shows you don’t care to have opposing views on a public forum where people are free to comment on it as they see fit.
Maybe in your OP you should have said something along the lines of you only want people with the same thought process as you to comment on it. (Fun fact: even if you did ask for that there still would be opposing views since it’s a public forum)
Well if the teleport is available to use in m+ I’m sure people will build strats around it and gatekeep people that aren’t that covenant, I don’t see this as an issue if covenants aren’t locked or permanent but it could be in the long run, the only resolution to it would to just create routes with and without it but I’m sure the top 1% would take full advantage of it but I personally don’t care.
I don’t watch mdi or world first and I probably couldn’t give you a single name of anyone in their raid or groups but I’m sure there are plenty of people that will adhere to the mdi and how they run them even if they can barely do a 15 once a week even if depleted. It’s just another example of people over reaching or slightly off topic reading webmd and believing they can diagnose themselves, or that commercial about the guy staying at a holiday inn so he thinks he can do like brain surgery or what ever. They typically don’t have the know how to do what those in mdi did but they’ll certainly try.
Good news. That’s what why the vast majority of us play. Including min/maxers. Who are you to say their fun is invalid?
Good news. Neither do min/maxers. If you’re excluded from content it’s because they want a smooth run and aren’t sure you’ll help them achieve that. I’m sure even you wouldn’t put together a group that you wouldn’t think would succeed.
You want to force people to invite people they don’t want to run with? You are what’s wrong with the community.
I’ve never seen them do this. Covenants are bad. I’m nowhere near a min/maxer, and covenants are terrible. They have sounded terrible since any news has come out about them involving gameplay, and it has gotten worse as more news has come out.
Means absolutely nothing.
Good for you. Different people have fun in different ways.
Covenants aren’t meaningful choice. This is a buzz phrase, and terribly over and misused. If covenants weren’t tied to gameplay in any way they would be a more meaningful choice, because it’s a choice I could make about my character as a character. However, the moment gameplay is introduced i can no longer make the same choice, as now my entire experience with the game is dictated by this one choice.
What I’m saying is, aesthetics and story are meaningful. I want to have and experience certain ones. If covenants were purely a way we experienced the story and lore of shadowlands and got certain aesthetics I would pick necrolords in an instant. I cannot make that pick, however, because I also have to take into account gameplay. So what is going to happen is I will end up picking the least bad choice, because there are no good/fun choices the way this system is currently designed.