The min-maxing community is toxic

Exactly. When you have players that barely scrape the bare minimum in terms of DPS, HPS, or even surviving and managing mechanics properly, it slows the raid down to a halt. Every player you bring boosts the HP of the bosses up, and it causes the core players to carry their weight.

That’s fine if you have the fights on farm, but jeez if you’re all trying to work towards figuring out an -already- tough boss on top of carrying slackers, it will be much, much more difficult and sluggish.

I don’t recall that but that’s pretty ignorant, gear is replaced every tier if not every expansion so if they have a problem with it this is probably not the game for those types of people. Now don’t get me wrong I think gear is the one and only reward worth raiding for other than mounts and CE, it’s also the only physical reward you acquire but it’s been diminished for so long it doesn’t really matter especially when a heroic raider can get a 475 ilvl and never step into a mythic raid.

So that means people are supposed to enjoy Covenants having abilities locked behind choices in a system like this? I’m not seeing the reasoning here.

Out of curiosity since covenants are brought up, are the armor you get from each also locked behind choice? Or just the abilities?

Its a choice. You choose the covenant right? If you don’t like the ability the theme or anything that goes with it then chose another. Its not rocket science. No one is forcing you into a choice.

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You said I have reading comprehension problems. That’s attacking the person, not the argument. Why do that? Anyway, I’m just trying to understand why you would do that.

It was a HUGE and on-going thread. Raiders were absolutely furious and rationalizing on how they worked to earn what they have. That was the birth of the term “welfare epics”.

Armor, soulbinds and covenant abilities.

If you are referring to mythic keys , take this from some one who doesn’t do them . You can check my armory to see I don’t.

Unless it is your own personal key then you have say in it but if the key is another person’s , they have every right to decide who to choose and how go about choosing those people.

Really? Those Necrolords sets are just soooooo goood looking. :frowning:

Whereas I don’t share the OP’s feeling of enmity with the so-called “min-max” community I do understand that this is a response to the numerous forum threads/posts about how people intend to refuse to play with people who make the “wrong” choices and that is also a sentiment with which I do not agree.

Yes I’ve been a casual raider for about a year and took off a couple tiers in legion due to roster and personal reason, working 60-70 hours and raiding mythic at least for me isn’t doable since I’d just get home and want to go to bed most of the time and didn’t want to suffer staying up just to raid.

The thing is I didn’t much care to finish off this tier, I had well over a dozen 12/12m guild contact me to join their roster but I was holding off for an ideal situation because this tier is over with, the mount isn’t that great looking and if anything I was only going to look for a guild that’s a solid guild going into SL, this current tier doesn’t matter but my buddy hit me up and although I’ve had top 50-200 guilds pm me I hate raiding in top 50 guilds from the past just because the amount of time you spend and it tends to burn me out so I typically lean more towards top 150-300. Bit more casual but you still get upwards of 10+ clears before the next tier and a break in between instead of most guilds where they get stuck in mythic then it’s right onto the next tier with no breaks, that’s as irritating and burns me out almost as much as raiding 4-6 days a week 4+ hours a day in a top 50 guild.

  1. Evidently you haven’t looked deeply into the Covenant system, because for people who enjoy min-maxing you will have forced choices, and for people who enjoy min-maxing multiple forms of content you’re basically up a river without a paddle unless a lucky roll of the dice means your main spec only uses one Covenant for all forms of content.
  2. Why does player power need to be locked behind this to begin with? Just make the Covenant choice permanent and put abilities into a general pool, rather than forcing your theme choice based upon abilities if you enjoy min-maxing.

learn to accept it and you’ll never need to make another ‘is toxic’ statement ever again.

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It’s not meaningful choice. It would be meaningful choice if it was something you choose based on the covenants and cosmetic choice and couldn’t change without a massive grind. Unfortunately due to the absolutely idiotic decision to tie power to the covenants they can’t do this. I look forward to 90% of DKs taking blue dnd only for it to be giga nerfed on heroic week forums definitely won’t explode.

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Yeah, unfortunately. I’d love to do one Covenant on an alt just for the armor, but I think for the duration of this expansion armor will be locked to the Covenant. :frowning:

Apologies I can see that you might’ve taken that as me telling you were ignorant, I didn’t mean that. I meant the people expecting their gear not to be easier to obtain later in a tier/expansion. Gear is time limited no matter when you’re playing, and as far as filing a lawsuit that’s a laugh.

Just to say it again it wasn’t at you, it was about the topic you brought up.

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I like how his name is Forums.

In palpatine voice: “I am the Forums”

There is no forced choices. Blizzard inst defaulting you into a choice. Your guild is, your group is. etc. Those are outside influences. Im tired of debating common sense.

Its the same argument during MOP when raid finder first became a thing. people felt pressured and forced into RF to fill gear slots. No one forces you in a game to do anything. If you do not like your guild leader, raid leader, party leader etc telling you what to do then don’t play with them. Simple isnt it.

I admit that I did immediately but once I finished reading, I knew that’s what you meant.

I do not believe the lawsuit ever took place but one person did threaten it and other raiders were agreeing to participate. I can’t imagine if it actually did and if it would have won as to what things would be like today. I guess all our mythic gear would be blue?

I’m tired of telling you that Blizzard is deliberately tying player power into a system of choices that should have nothing [or very little] to do with player power.

If Covenants’ player power only extended to Soulbinds, this issue would not exist.

I should not have one Covenant’s ability be so hilariously bad compared to others that picking it is straight up gimping myself in every regard.