Shoot, at this stage in the expansion my guild is 11/12M and we’re starting on N’zoth on Tuesday. We have no time for players who aren’t playing as optimally as they possibly can because we’re almost out of time to get Cutting Edge. It’s been a rough road to get to where we are because of entitled and lazy players bringing us down and trying to literally destroy our guild.
I stay in my own lane. I know my place so to speak. I’m not much of a raider, so I absolutely don’t bug people about it.
Same can be said about everyone else, If you clearly arn’t good enough for something, then practice and get better so you can do the stuff you were not able to do. Plus Min/maxing has always been a thing. And I’m pretty sure not min/max isn’t stopping you from doing any content. So I’m not sure whats the argument there…
Some of the best progression guilds in wow don’t come to these forums and complain about changes. They adapt and thrive. Im guessing that your guild isn’t good enough to overcome a change and be successful .
I forget but I’m pretty sure he was insinuating that from the start, I think it kind of devolved into that but what ever, that’s my opinion on most posts like this in general.
They typically can’t reach a certain goal so they think since they sub, the content they can’t reach they expect to change for them although they’re too lazy to put in the time/effort to get there.
That’s exactly what I meant about what I said about gatekeeping in one of my earlier posts.
Players who can’t carry their weight in progression content, should not be in that group. Period. Wait for the progression team to get through and put it on farm, -then- the other, less-geared or less-effort players can join in.
I commend you and your guild for making it this far! I wish you luck on N’zoth. I only recently got AotC with my guild, I think it was last week? Very fun time!*
See, the problem is you have difficulties with reading comprehension and understanding context. My reply you replied to was not in response to the OP, but it was about the OP. I replied to another player who asked why he would strap a sandbag to his back. Don’t come at me because you can’t read a comment chain.
I don’t know if anyone has said this yet, OP, but I don’t believe what you’re describing is toxicity. In fact, in this particular situation, you’re the toxic one. That’s how those folks enjoy the game, and they have every right to do so, same as the rest of us.
I like how when people don’t have any exp into the content they’re talking about then need proof, btw I’ll have my mythic nzoth in a couple weeks here as I quit for roughly a year after bod when my guild of 8 years died which was a long time coming. But no I’m currently 7/12m just from pugging which is a joke and I’ve only been back a few months.
I will literally take a screen shot/date and everything for you when I get my mount to satisfy you, although you mean nothing to me it’ll be funny at least once to prove some nobody they were wrong and their mentality of needing someone’s background as proof that doesn’t even matter in this situation and how they feel afterwards.
We’ve struggled with getting benched players to understand this over the months! We want everyone to get the gear they want and get their kills and achievements and get Cutting Edge, but we’ve got to actually down the jerks before that can happen!
I’ve been on both sides of the fence. People who tend to achieve more in games like to gloat or put themselves on a pedestal (not all). They like to feel special and dread the idea that their big shiny isn’t so shiny anymore. Remember how raged raiders got when purple gear was being given to people who did not complete the highest content in the game? I will never forget when they made a huge thread threatening a class-action lawsuit.
Hold on there, let’s not bring ad hominem into this. I’m just trying to understand your way of thinking. My first response to you asked who said that. You replied “The OP in the OP”. And now you’re saying it was someone else.
Im not judging you. You have your reasons and I have mine. I left for about 6 months to RL. Life happens. My point was. Is all the great guilds that push content can do it within the current systems allowed. Have a great day. I am going to level my alt for a while. I meant no offence to you.