Wow man you’re still only 7/12 lfr, didn’t take my advice to do some research and better your self? Clearly not, also you should read other people’s comments on here about you being
It’s a pretty funny read when there have been like a dozen to say the exact same thing and if you’d read any of the other posts you’d realize you’re gate keeping your self by being lazy.
I dissected your post pretty nicely and haven’t gotten any reply for discussion, so either you posted a rant and don’t want to discuss anything, or you just don’t like dissent.
He doesn’t like anyone that has an opposing opinion, he then threatens to block you when you use logic over his what ever it is, I’d say emotion although he’s clearly in the wrong.
Plenty have pointed it out and it’s pretty obvious, in the end this post is worthless other than to see how deep he digs himself.
You can mute but I’m sure if I explained it to him it’d go over his head.
To be honest thinking about ben shapiro/jordan peterson/steven crowders experience with antifa/feminists etc. I feel like this is as close as I’ve come to meeting one of them, his facts don’t care about your feelings quote and how OP wanted to ignore it and run away although it was his own thread in a public forum and he openly said he’d discuss it but when you wipe the floor with them they tend to want it to disappear.
I’m not against the competitiveness. It has its place but it should work within the confines of the systems not change it. When that competitiveness becomes a point where it starts damaging other people fun, thats when it becomes an issue.
You don’t have to min/max to have fun. I don’t have to invite you to my party. You’re not entitled to be in my party if you don’t want to play the game at the same level that I want to play it at. I’ve been playing the game since 2004. I’ve always strived to play better than my best. If you don’t want to do that, why would I take you into the hardest content in the game?
That’s a problem no matter what multiplayer game you play, my advice is if you can’t handle your fun being interrupted by playing with other people then there are plenty of solo player things you can do in wow without interacting with other people or even better go play an actual solo player game. Trying to ruin the fun for the top 20% and bring it down to the bottom 80% casual player base level because they’re too lazy to put in the same time/effort isn’t a logical debate when blizzard caters to all brackets of player, this is clearly over reaching in my opinion. If you can’t do 15 keys do 10s, that’s why they’ scale both difficulty and reward, can’t do mythic do lfr norm or heroic.
That’s not being toxic for most if not all of what has been said, it’s called elitism and not wanting to waste MY time on lesser people that don’t put in the time/effort to better themselves to be on par or better than me, why would I strap a sandbag to my back unless I’m getting compensated for it? This may be a game but I’m not playing this game to carry you through your content and waste my time doing it.
There is something for everyone in this game, lfr/norm/heroic are built for progression, steadily increasing in difficulty and gearing up the character to progress further, if you don’t want to do that then don’t do it. No one is forcing you to put in the time/effort, you spend your time during your sub how you see fit, it doesn’t affect anyone and no one should be entitled thinking the rest of us should have to suffer you either.
If the 80% listened to your logic and “Played a solo player game” There would be no raids, no m+ or possibly even a next expansion". Thats a toxic s statement you made there. Thats why Blizzard has and will always cater to the casuals and not that top 20%.
Players made Mythic Raids competitive. I can even show you the video from ION about that and same with Mythic Dungeons. The competitiveness is created by the player not the developers.
There’s no possible way for anyone in this game to exclude anyone from content. They can exclude them from their groups but that’s their group and their rules.
I believe this to be true but I of course have no proof.
Everyones demands should reflect what they want, what you want is for their demands to be considered by Blizzard based on the population size of the players you’re talking about.
Nor should you, everyone should play the way that makes them happiest
The OP in the OP who accused players who don’t want to carry him when he has no desire to play better than his best through end game content of being “what’s wrong with this game”.
Progress yourself. Nobody is entitled to help you, so find others who are willing to spend the time investing into progression content. Done.
That’s how I managed to get through nearly all Heroic Nya’lotha, save Ilgy’noth because his fight is intimidating, and Drest’agath. Guilds are wonderful.
That can be viewed many different ways, how I meant and said it was someone that doesn’t spend as much time/effort as I do to get to where I’m at, being a casual isn’t bad I don’t think I’ve ever said that, people play for their own reasons I don’t care what their reasons are there is something for everyone in wow, it’s just most people like OP tend to think they’re entitled to do every little bit of it because they sub to the same game.
Well firstly this game is designed to be progression oriented, they want to get rid of that, well as far as I’m concerned you don’t need to do the progression oriented content but the simpler answer would be to just play a solo player game if the problem you’re having is the other people, if that wasn’t clear enough in what he said and my answer on how to fix it I don’t know how much more dumbed down I can put it.
Don’t like other people and how they play or getting declined from groups, maybe don’t play with those people?
No they just want all of the content to be turned into lfr with an auto accept so they can’t get declined, I would say that’s forcing an entire raid to carry, not just one person.