The min-maxing community is toxic

I am sure min maxers majority are the same people who bought a new game and the strategy guide growing up and only played it the way the guide said.

The WoW community as a whole is toxic. The people who min/max are sometimes toxic. The players who RP are sometimes toxic, the non min/max crowd is sometimes toxic. There are numerous other small cliques that contribute to the toxicity of WoW. Any one group calling the other toxic is just asinine. We all share a part in this community. As long as each group views the other as toxic… I am afraid we will never heal.


You are not wrong that people are always ok in that scenario. I think the OP is just frustrated because you have people who feel like the game should only cater to those who live in the game. There is nothing wrong with a game catering to all sides of the spectrum.

Let casuals play their casual content and dip their feet into something more challenging when they can or want to. Let the other type (I never know what real word to use here as “hardcore” makes me think of Diablo) have their more challenging content. The two can coexist.

Your wrong. Alot of people do like it and want to keep things the way they are and not changed for those who play that 2%

I agree with what he said about empathy. I have no sympathy for players like OP, because they may be the majority but if they’d open their eyes they’d realize they have 80-90% of the game available to them and are over catered to as is. There is very little left of wow that you need to min max for to the point it matters, you don’t need to min max for pet battling, warfronts,visions, invasions, uldum/vale quests, dungeons, m+ up to a certain extent, lfr/normal/heroic especially if you find a guild. Pvp you don’t really need to min max either, acquiring skill and getting a couple viable trinkets either from pvp or pve which are given to you basically for acquiring enough conquest that week when they’re up is easy enough.

The only affect their complaining has is to mythic raiding which is probably 5-10% left of the game that they clearly have never and will never do with their mentality and their lack of effort/time/research to better themselves, people that make posts like these want to buy it with wow tokens or want it nerfed to an lfr level so they can be auto invited and have it cleared so they quit sooner, they aren’t the crowd you want to cater to especially with how fast they quit tbh.


Who’s arguing content needs to be catered to a minority?

Who’s saying this is a thing?

Not exactly a typical behavior of min-maxers.

The demands of actual min-maxers do reflect that, where appropriate. The demands of toxic jerks do not.

Good for you. I find min-maxing extremely fun. My tendency towards min-maxing relates directly to my desire to NOT see player power directly tied to Covenant choice.


Like Hardcore Min/Maxers have been doing to casuals for years. You sound like a broken record. For years hardcore players wanted Raid Finder to die, and good gear to be only available to higher tier content. Thats not ruining the game for them?

During Legion it was, " World drops are to good, they should only drop green and blues" That doesn’t effect casuals game?

Guess what. See what it feels like when the majority speaks up about a a feature they like.

So what you’re saying is people mistakenly think tying player power to a choice that should be made on the basis of agreement/theme/whatever is somehow good?

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How can you say this but say:

Also, citation needed in your OP about ‘80% don’t do

High-end content such as keys beyond 15s and mythic raids are not casual friendly and are actually difficult content that requires communication and effort on the parts of -everybody- in the group. In this sense, gatekeeping for parties is absolutely essential for efficiently clearing. You can’t reject yourself if you make your own party.
Finding a guild is also an excellent way to get into difficult content, as they will be more than happy to help teach their members how to do mechanics and so on.
This game is one of -the- most casual friendly ones out there, as you are free to choose what you want to do, with dozens of resources available to help fit your playstyle.

I am as casual as it gets and I still aim to do a 15+ and mythic Nya’lotha before SL. You have every moment of playing this game to do something to improve yourself and not taking that opportunity is on you, nobody else’s.

And I will be happy knowing that trying to strive for my best of ability upsets a small, vocal population on these forums.

That’s unfortunate. But you can’t be the bigger person?

LFR should not be removed and Mythic should not be removed. This game is meant for everybody.


No, toxic jerks and vocal people in the forums have screeched about it. The people actually DOING content do not care at all.

This just sounds like you take the General Discussion section of these forums way too seriously.

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Not really. Just showing the flip side of the coin.

Flip side of what coin, angry forumgoers/trolls? I’m part of a multitude of communities in the top-end and the only place I actually see stuff like “LFR should die” and “casuals don’t deserve gear” is here in these forums, ironically enough usually from people who don’t do upper end content.

The freedom for people to min-max holds no bearing on the choices that you make, for the content that you do, the environments you put yourself in and your overall approach to the game. Never has been, never will be. The idea that it’s wrong for those who want to min-max - the investment and the cons that come with it - and how there is some detrimental impact to others is laughable.


And I’d prefer not to touch PvE at all unless it was for mogs.

I’d surmise everyone plays this game for fun. I play for PvP, but gear is a big part of where power comes from. I don’t really care about progress, but to each their own. That’s absolutely fine you do not play this game for a 2-5% over people, but some people are competitive and that’s fine too.

I’d argue you’re even more toxic, not everyone needs to be included on every little thing. It is perfectly acceptable that you do not get included into top tier guilds who compete against other guilds for time on a dungeon and a clear. That’s what they like to do, that’s their right to do so.

Oh you’re one of those folks, where tyranny of the majority is acceptable and a minority only should make demands that represent their present population within a community.

There’s no debate when you made grievous errors.


What do you want, OP?

Do you want to interact with people who want to do their best while you’re casually strolling through and holding them up just because you’re playing differently than them?

I don’t get what you expect or what this utopia of player interaction looks like to you. If the min/maxers are truly the minority then you should have no problem finding or creating groups that suit your pace.

I don’t think it has to do with their mentality.

I personally used to be a hardcore raider until I got married and had a family. It’s just not feasible at this point.

Multiplayer games are meant to be competitive if you tune everything to an lfr level what’s left, no one would play even on a casual level if there wasn’t a challenge, most if not all of these posts are just from people that are typically just lazy and or incompetent when it comes to the process on how to progress further and get into content they want to do.

Being a mythic raider doesn’t take a whole lot of time/exp or research, as long as you have a descent grasp of your character you can typically overcome most raid tiers with few exceptions, tbh I think raiding for awhile has been too easy at the top although there were a couple exceptions in legion. But the problem here is people aren’t look at the game as a whole they only see mythic and the top 20% of the player base.

They overlook lfr/normal and heroic which is designed for the casual player and to push you to progress further, if you don’t want to progress further that’s on the individual not the content or the top 20% of the player base. Literally the only thing that is left for the top 20% of the player base is mythic raiding. You have everything else available to you, it’s up to them to better themselves, it’s no one else’s fault for them being a lacking player.

Was working 60-70 hour weeks for awhile I did what I could, I didn’t bother pushing hardcore mythic, I pugged the first 3 which was typically easy and heroic for awhile which is basically the difficulty of the old normal, yet they aren’t even clearing heroic but they still think complaining about mythic is going to get them ahead, they shouldn’t be on forums they should get off their lazy rears, go watch youtube/wowhead/icy-veins/class discords instead of complaining about something that isn’t being gated by anyone but themselves.

Wow man, you’re still here spamming my thread?

You invited discourse in your closing paragraph.

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