Well, it’s 5am here y’all, I gotta head to bed.
I appreciate how this started as a debate about covenants and turned into a chill conversation about runescape and pet battles.
Well, it’s 5am here y’all, I gotta head to bed.
I appreciate how this started as a debate about covenants and turned into a chill conversation about runescape and pet battles.
Yeah I feel that. When I took a break after WoD and came back during legion I leveled a DH since it was basically already level capped xD
The issue is, covenant is not going to be 2-5% dps increase lol mark my words (much higher im willing to bet with blizzards history)
Care to share where you got this awesome stat? Or is it completely made up?
If you actually read half the posts, none of them are being asked to be catered to. They’re asking to not be excluded. Turns out your the toxic one.
You can do all that easily. Play the game with who and how you want. Why do you need to make the game suck for others if your wants and enjoyment are so simple?
Like what? So far the most exclusive one seems to be you. The “min maxers” chose to play with other min maxers just like you chose to play for the stuff listed above. It’s a big game, the whole point is to play with the people you enjoy playing with.
Completely irrelevant to anything. I’ve been playing since 2005. I’ve min maxed at times and played ultra casually at times. I’ve enjoyed both play styles and have met awesome people in both. Sounds like you need to broaden your horizons.
I’m pretty casual right now and I have no desire to have stuff like spec swapping locked. They put it into the game for a reason in wrath. Choice and trying new things is fun. Getting stuck playing with the same old is not. The way covenants and soul binds are being locked is going to severely limit my ability to have fun trying things. Who cares about min maxing.
Watch out he might block you for your great logical post. Every point you made is exactly what’s been said hundreds if not a thousand times before but they tend to be set in their ways because they’ve become entitled and spoiled due to blizzard over catering to them, I just hope SL is more difficult and you actually feel rewarded when gear and such is concerned. But most people on here don’t speak from a background of experience, they just yell out something even though they’re typically the player being catered to even if they don’t realize it.
Reminds me of this youtube video that got recommended to me, this guy was going around asking about the policies of a president lets say trump, but it was actually the policies of the other guy they were voting for. They clearly didn’t have all the information nor care to but clearly they think they’re right and when they get push back just like this guy and most if not all of ben shapiro/jordan peterson/steven crowders audience they ignore them/yell at them to drown them out and or leave.
There are quite literally pieces of content designed around min maxing, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, they exist. Get over yourself.
WoW has created a paradox because Blizzard keeps trying to cater to both casuals and elitists, so both sides think their needs matter more than the other. It’s also why both groups attack each other whenever they feel the game is catering to the other group. So they try to out-scream each other because there’s this perception that Blizzard will listen to them and swing things their way.
All this has bred a community of impudent children.
The thing is the casual player base gets most if not all of the attention because yes they are the majority, literally the only min/maxing required content left is mythic. Everything else has different levels/brackets from lfr norm to heroic and m+ even has different dificulties as well. You don’t need to do 15 keys as a casual player right at the beginning, there should be some progression in a game like this but typically people don’t want to put time/effort into it, this is why carries exist.
The rest of the game is just casual oriented but the same thing goes for pvp, there are different levels of skill at different ratings, they just expect to be able to get a 2400 ranking without putting in the same time and effort of those that have.
I just see this mentality as lazy/incompetence, buying carries isn’t bad in my opinion but if you can’t play at a decent level I would think that would motivate you to get better, if your first reaction is to come onto forums and complain instead of looking up youtube/wowhead and other resources then I have no sympathy for ya.
I min-max as much as I can and I’ve raided as a CE raider for years. I enjoy thinking about how I can play better and I enjoy competing with guidies and others of my class. And 80% of us never pug so you’ve never been rejected by us.
What you have to understand is that when someone is putting together a pug group they’re doing it because they want something. And they’re going to take who will give them the best chance at success. And if you don’t give them that best chance they won’t take you.
That’s because it does hinder many players.
They’re not. They’re annoyed when said people feel the need to condescend others who do not have the same goals and flaunt it as if they’re seeking applause.
What if 99% of people were “min-maxers” who do mythic raids and +20 keys, and you were the 1% who didn’t? Should the game force you to do what the 99% is doing?
I DON’T play this game to have a 2-5% advantage over people and exclude them from content.
Go play with like-minded people then.
Over 80% of us don’t touch mythic 15+ content or mythic raids.
If over 80% of the players are in-line with your way of thinking then why does this thread need to be a thing? It’s rather toxic of you to start calling out and shaming a very small portion of the players.
To be fair, responding to a point with a “what if” doesn’t tilt the scales in the opposite direction.
If over 80% of the players are in-line with your way of thinking then why does this thread need to be a thing? It’s rather toxic of you to start calling out and shaming a very small portion of the players.
The percentages are just guesses in any case but 20% is not a small percentage. And honestly, it all depends on the subject matter. If your DNA was off by 1%, you’d be a dolphin.
I play this game for fun
Me too. Ret tank lfg. Don’t hate because its not a minmax playstyle.
Competitive people are competitive
I used to raid extremely hardcore. Even back then, the most fun I had was in the random and silly stuff.
Random BGs. Halaa. Dungeons with friends. Speccing as melee hunter and dueling people while rocking 35% dodge…
Min-maxing is a means to an end, but really is to the detriment of fun.
To be fair, responding to a point with a “what if” doesn’t tilt the scales in the opposite direction.
My goal was to encourage empathy from someone who wasn’t displaying any. People are always ok with “majority rules” unless they aren’t in the majority.
It is totally fine to not want to sim yourself and change your set-up to do the most damage. But it is not fine to tell others that they have no place in a game that they pay for.
There is nothing stopping you from creating your own chill PuGs and inviting whoever you want.
But it isn’t binary like that. Pugging is a gamble and you should place your bet on what will give you the highest % of success. Certain things done in high keys help a lot while others do not.
You don’t need an ilvl greater than 450 or corruptions to do 15 keys but having ilvl 480 and optimal corruptions certainly help.