Hello, and welcome to the Mead Hall! We’re the Dwarf (and friends) RP community here on Wyrmrest Accord, and here’s why you should come be a dwarf with us!
We’re the best race in Warcraft! No, fantasy! Wait, fiction! You know what, dwarves are just the best.
On a more serious note, we’ve been here on Wyrmrest in our current state since WoD, and some of us have been playing dwarves here since Wrath! We’ve been kicking Nass and taking manes all this time, but it isn’t just our history that matters!
Currently, we have three regular community events each week! Being dwarves, it is only proper that two-thirds of those always involve heavy drinking.
The Cask ‘n’ Anvil, a pub hosted by Modarin, every Friday night at 6 server!
The Battlestein Brewpub, hosted by Bathildis, every Sunday night at 6 server!
Mission Boards, a rotating one-off RP event, every Tuesday night at 6 server!
But wait, there’s more!
Every month, one of the guilds that make up the Mead Hall community hosts a Moot! A Dwarven Moot is a sight to behold, as it’s the monthly party for the dwarf community! We all come together, eat, drink, chat, brawl, play games, have competitions, and catch up both IC and OOC on things to come in the community! Even if you aren’t a dwarf, it’s worth the trip.
Lastly, community events and campaigns can take place at any time! Everyone is welcome to come host their events with the Mead Hall, and we’ve got some experienced DMs who will happily help you develop events and campaigns!
How to join the Mead Hall
It’s simple! Just come say hi at any of our events! For those retro folks, the old in-game channel still exists at /join themeadhall. However, it has fallen by the wayside with the new community feature.
Speaking of the new community feature, here’s the link to join the Mead Hall community! Please, be civil and kind to your fellow community members.
As well, the Mead Hall has a discord server! We’re cool, we’ve got great emoji’s, and we’re totally hip. However, we’d rather not just leave that invitation floating around, so if you want to hang out with us there contact a community member in-game! Or, you can reach out to Rufaic (me!) in discord at Snowsteel#2289 or Bathildis at Ironstout#0154, and we’ll hook you up.
Guilds of the Mead Hall
While we are a community, that doesn’t mean that we all share a guild tag! There’s many different dwarf-themed guilds in the Mead Hall, and they’re constantly changing! New ones spring up, friends merge together, companions part ways, so you’ll want to come speak with us to figure who’s who!
But no matter what, the guilds of the Mead Hall don’t matter. All community events are open to everyone (unless otherwise specified), so even if you aren’t in one of those guilds, or even if you are over five feet tall, you are always welcome to come hang out! None of these guild tags matter as long as you can play nice with others and act like a decent human being!
(Disclaimer: Horde are typically not welcome at all events. We can’t speak Orcish, you can’t speak Common, the guards have guns, the whole deal. You understand, right?)
Final Notes
If you decide to join the Mead Hall, I can’t wait to see you around! Never be afraid to ask myself or anyone else with one of those crown things in the community channel for help! The Mead Hall is our home, and we hope that you decide to make it yours as well!
Now, pull up a chair, someone’ll get ye a drink, and let’s hear o’ our next great adventure!