The major problem with M+ giving Heroic raid gear is that you get fully geared in 1 or 2 weeks

See the problem with that statement is that I don’t think the only fun thing about a video game should be grinding for armor.

Said no one who’s actually done it.

Sure, if you get your guild buddies to carry your new alt through 15 keys and stack armor to trade all the loot, it’ll be easy.

But actually going from 0 gear to decked out, just getting to the 15s themselves will be a massive pain in the neck. Much less spam running those 15s to get loot for every slot to actually drop. And even then, the set of gear you’ll end up with will be shoddy at best.

This will take much more than 2 weeks. In fact, you’ll probably get geared faster doing 3-4 full clears of Heroic.

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Heh, maybe I’m a little spoiled by maining a tank and offspecing a healer. I got geared very fast.

No one is going to bring a 415 geared tank to a 15 key.

Did I imply that?

Well considering you obviously didn’t gear that monk from Mythic+, but rather from Raiding and Mythic+, and you’re using 2 drops from the weekly chest, meaning you didn’t grind out 465s, I’d say that Monk dispells what your post says.

It’s also pretty far from “geared”.

So one extra piece of gear per week that is 10 ilvls above heroic, yes.

Weekly box also comes from mythic now, so it’s definitely still better.

It will be very slow for people to get to 10 15s per week. But this point is partially right. Still only 1 piece that you get per week though

I was doing 21s and 22s in May without killing a single mythic boss. I have now joined a mythic guild, because without corruptions, and 5 ilvl higher than heroic I simply will not have the gear without raiding

I wonder if that would still be the case if there was any possible way you could get mythic equivalent gear from m+? Final 2 bosses in M were dropping 490 azerite.

I like how all you could think of to say to my previous argument was that I was a snowflake :joy: hypocrisy?

Yes I do, you’ve had this toon for 3 months. The power of the internet is strong. I also notice that you were carried through every single piece of content you did.

Ah the old “but my other accounts” argument. A classic as old as time itself. Just admit that your points are trash and that you barely play the game so idk why you think your opinion would be anywhere near valid?



What is your concept of geared. I’m curious.

The game shoulndt be balance around pug players, anyone with a decent group can get geared in 1-2 weeks by doing m+, even if all of them start at 0

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I get the thought process but once again its a sledgehammer approach. The majority of John Citizen players take a couple of months to progress to the higher levels of M+ keys. Sure Chad Hardcore and his team of Roughnecks can burst themselves through the system but its not the main population.

You could then argue that’s why its only 3 levels difference so there isn’t some massive gap but then that 3 level difference just becomes a psychological dissatisfaction point for no net gain.

Bottom line, I see the problem they think they are addressing but as usual they won’t fix it and they’ll just introduce a different problem.

Man I looked at your dungeon runs, and your raid clears. You were carried through every single one.

Yes gearing is going to be fast when you are being boosted for gear

You forgot to refute my

The game shouldn’t be balanced around what organised groups can push through and how fast. Those same guys will get AotC week 1, doesn’t mean we should buff Heroic to be much harder.

If 5 buddies can sit down on a saturday, and get from 0 to spamming 15s to fully 465 geared, more power to them. That’s not going to be the average experience from most players.

Oh yes, tank parses are indeed a bit of a meme. However, one can expect that a decent tank would at least have 1 (one) blue parse.

You forgot to refute my

Why not? That is where gear matters the most,.

Because if you tune this game for the high end players with unlimited time, you make it awful for everyone else.

Those guys you’re talking about are Mythic raiders. The M+ gear is not their be all, end all.

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Bruh… I’m dead

Yep. That’s when I stop posting. Thanks.

I got a couple of purple parses for tank healing on Heroic bosses, does that count?

(I don’t know anything about how logs and parses work I’m just here to be a meat shield)

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You are going to end up with a full set of mythic gear by the end of the tier, if you only do m+. Is just going to be slower to gear up the first couple of months