The Maintenance Within

Ah yes, and when you take your car to the shop they get it in that minute and fix it within an hour and absolutely under no circumstances have to schedule you an appointment based on prior customers or priority list.

Good observation Watson!

launcher doesn’t show anything, only their 20th promo

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I try to keep my thread titles truthful and to the point. The Maintenance Within couldn’t be any more apt.


Kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. If they delay the game, people will be upset. If they release on time with a few bugs, people will be upset

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20yrs and they still fail at launching expansions.


Name a single product that their release was 100% with no hiccups


It was not technically an xpac, but the servers were down for a long time, seemed like days at the time, because they would pop up and then crash again…just saying.

Yes, Vet players will always refer to BT as one of the worse server issues in Blizz history, BECAUSE IT WAS!

No excuse for the piss poor preformce of modern day Blizzard however, but every game has Maint issues, it is part of the process.

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It’s never been this bad before. What we’re seeing is unprecedented for an expansion launch. Keeping in mind this has been happening since pre-patch. So several weeks of this incompetence.


being down and constant crashing are two diff things here tho.

Well in one scenario you’re charging money, in the other people are waiting and keeping their money.


lol. It if was unprecedented, why do these exact posts pop up every expac?

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I understand maintenance needs to happen and this is a new expansion, but this is getting ridiculous and overly punishing for particular time zones at this point.

I’m on the west coast in Australia and I didn’t buy early access. Since last tuesday out of the 9 evenings the game has been out for me there has been downtime on 5 of them occurring at 10PM, pretty much directly in the middle of the peak time I’d get to play.

Can we at least have some variation in the time it goes down so the same time zones in particular don’t get screwed over every single time? Why does it even go down at this time for oceanic servers? Move it a few hours later so you aren’t screwing us over…


They better be replacing our items lost from our guild bank vaults!

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Fiar point, but the crashes, couple with the Maint issues bringing the servers off line made the game unplayable for days at a time.

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I just don’t like how they turned the server off in Na with out telling any of the custmers before they pulled the plug. I make me feel blizzard is getting ready to leave the united states

HQ based out of Pacific timezone in US. Therefor work is based on those times

This is patently false. People need to remember the past in order to inform claiming things like this. Anyone who actually remembers what past launches have been like will know that compared to some of those, this launch has gone off without a hitch. Recency bias is overwhelming with posts like this. This thing is happening now, therefore it’s automatically the worst thing ever!

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at certain points. while you were at school, they came up and were playable until school let out and everyone flocked to BT lol. I remember fondly those days. We could tell when people came home hahahaha. That was where the running joke of oh the kids are home from school it seems. But allegedly ive never played them LOL

Been on the launcher for over 24 hours now

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Are you willfully this ignorant?