The Maintenance Within

So true I’m uninstalling until Tuesday

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Strawman much.

Where did I say WoW doesnt have microtransactions?

Is this frustrating? Yes.

Is it the first time this has happened? No.

Do we need other hobbies? Probably.

This point is moot.

Try again.

Ya thats a hard lie there bucko! Def werent down for several days at a time. People trying to make up lies about a time past is the worst defense. I’ve been through all of them, almost everyone single one has been ddos’d at launch. But no game breaking servers down for days bugs. Stop lying and just admit your here to just type lies to others LOL

Lol its not. Its how they bring in revenue.

Microtransactions vs sub based. That is the point lol you wanting to ignore it because you have no way to refute it isnt the point*

WoW is all we have

So many people say this, and yet so many of them don’t actually remember anything beyond how long they’ve been playing. That or you were just on break from the game during every other expansion launch and so actually have no frame of reference to compare to.

But it is.

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If they charge money for something, especially all the nickle/diming WoW does, it’s a business transaction and people expect more.


You were alluding to the fact that those other games had less issues due to what, revenue from micro transaction? Yet wow has both micro transactions and a paid sub model and struggles.


Ive never seen this much maintenance on any other game Ive ever played. This is ridiculous. How is it these people dont know how to do their job right the first time? I dont get it.


Yeah and that tells me you weren’t around for all the expansions chief.

But hey, keep memory holing.

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Sucks for Asians. Everytime I wanna play after work, get hit by maintenance. By the time it’s up, it’s time to sleep for work tomorrow. Been like this since vanilla.

Just ignore him. He’s back peddling.


except i was, even in vanilla, yes those were a day of maint, most tuesdays didnt count on playing. Very rare if EVER it went to Wed. Was WoD buggy? Yup. Were servers down for more than a day ever? Nope. BFA, Legion, Slands…all ddosd on launch. Able to play same day and a shortened maint on tuesday. Nice try and deflating the truth. Maybe go back to cata classic LOL

On a serious note, no. Nearly every bug that went live was reported on the beta forums and actively talked about. It’s nonsense that it’s taking them weeks to solve problems that should have been handled months ago. It’s bad enough how bare and gutted this expansion is. Fewer achievements around the world, no meta achievements for dungeons, terrible spawn rates, nerfed amount of crests you get, nerfed the amount of rep per world quest. It’s obscene and they deserve to be called out for this garbage because this is turning into Shadowlands 2 very fast.


I was not. I was alluding to sub vs no subs

You wanting to think that because theyre all MMOs they need to operate the same is pure and blissful ignorance.

Thanks, you gave me a good laugh! The Maintenance Within, so simple yet so funny reading that! :smiley:

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Nothing beats the freaking week it was down in wrath. lol. I remember checking every day after school, then the forums.