The Maintenance Within


Just going to leave this here.

This is from 2014, when Warlords of Draenor launched. Here are a few gems:

It’s been over 24 hours for the EU people, I can’t speak for the rest of them but on my server you cannot turn in quests, garrisons are broken and you can’t instance into dungeons. The game is basically unplayable, and you only find this out after an hour long queue.

After being offline for a few minutes, the Mal’Ganis EU server is finally running fine for the most part. Before that we had server crashes every 15 minutes, for the whole day.

I’ve been on WoW since the beginning, and this is THE WORST launch I’ve been apart of. It’s ridiculous. Laggy as hell, for every 2 minutes of playtime we get we’re stuck in 10 minutes of lag. Then get kicked from the server, try to get back in I got 920 minutes queue. NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MINUTES.

But go on, please, tell me how ‘this’ expansion is the worst and that Blizzard’s servers have never had issues for an entire day because you’re memory holing.

By the way, the issues were so bad with WoD launch that Blizzard gave everyone 5 days of game time.

If only there was a way to test stuff before putting it out to make sure things like this never happens. Too bad nothing like that exists and basically every game out nowadays turns their game off in the middle of the day 3-4 times a week for maint…

We should call a spade a spade. It’s not “maintenance”, it’s a service outage. Nowadays you can have maintenance without stopping service (so many other games do it this way, like Guild Wars 2), so having regular, almost daily outages for a paid monthly subscription service is frankly unconscionable.

It’s just really surprising to see people defend Blizzard as if this style of service outage in the name of “maintenance” is like some necessary thing that one cannot live without. It’s not. Even 20 years ago, all the server and networking technology was in place to have reliable distributed computing. Just Blizzard didn’t code their backend that way back then, of course they didn’t anticipate that WoW would blow up as it did at that time.

However, the fact they don’t want to correct this fundamental design error after 20 years for a paid monthly subscription game especially when Asian or OCE region players can’t even play when they are most able to, is just indefensible and a real sore point for many, many paying customers (“players”).


They’ve been doing blizz defense for hours. I don’t get it either.


well we have had more unscheduled maint in the past two weeks of launch then we did for other xpacs, its 2 weeks in. and we have had 2 reg main, 3 breaking main. min 1 hour each time. thats 5 hours at min…throughout 5 days. Thats ok?

You seem to be, considering you ignored the rest of my post to quote that out of context. That’s the definition of ignorance, right?

Yep, Wrath launch was rough. Game was down for a week. Some of these people are just straight up memory holing how bad expansion launches have been, then when you point out how bad it was, they call you a liar and a shill.

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So one instance of servers actually offline? hmmmmmmmm nice point.

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Not sure what your point is, looking at the time zones that means they bring the servers down at 7AM for them. Why exactly couldn’t they do that a few hours later in their work day for oceanic servers?

These people tend to forget that we all pay a monthly subscription to keep WoW’s servers ONLINE.

Blizzard bootlickers are insanely stubborn and ignorant.


Just like every other game that has unexpected maintenance they should be giving every player compensation. Via mail. “Sorry for the maintenance, here’s 1,000 gold” literally anything is better than nothing yet they still give us nothing.

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In school? LMAO, you do not even know me…in 2004, I was in Iraq…stop assuming crap…

i swore you had said that you rushed home from school bro wasnt a slight


Maintenace is cool, when something gets fixed.

Downtime always happens with Expansions. I am more upset they won’t fix what they already have.

Nope. Let’s work on 3 more expansion$

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Its a live service game. This is something everyone in this thread should be use to by now. Everyone needs to relax, open up a different game, and have fun while waiting for the maintenance to be complete.

if i get on at 630 the game better be spamming chat box the server are going down, not the crap news was schuedueled and my higher iq i dont have, shoulda knew not to que a duengeon. clarity its all I want.

All good, not mad

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Sunwell patch had what, a 72 hour downtime? With days of instability to follow. This is nothing compared to what we have actually seen before

Cell phone apps even do this. but be carfeul here… the Forum Trolls are about to hit you with thier “ReAd the ToS BruHhhh thEY doNt giVE stuFF baCk fOR DownTIme”