The Maintenance Within

First expansion?

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Its really not. If youve got other outlets theres no reason to complain.

Theres 4 mcdonalds in town, but the fact that one of the four have their ice cream machine is down…TO THE FORUMS!!

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And that somehow educates you on how development for WoW works behind the scenes. Okay, sure, whatever you say buddy. Just going to ignore the fact that all of those games run on completely different engines and each have their own unique requirements are we?

Because the reason GW2 doesn’t have maintenance, just to correct you, is because their servers are literally designed to allow them to perform maintenance while everything still runs, and then when they’ve done what needs to be done, you’ll get a message saying “A new build is available, your game will restart in 1 hour.”

And during expansion launches and major patch launches it is ‘very’ common for a new build of the game to be available, multiple times. So they’re constantly doing maintenance, you just don’t see it because it’s a different engine, with different rules.

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I’m going to call BS on that. DF had maintenance every day for the first two weeks of launch. You just don’t remember because it’s so unimportant in the grand scheme of things that it’s not worth remembering.

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No no, i will clearly remember and bring this up in 6 months when ive put thousands of hours into the game undisturbed!

It shows me that some developers are more competent than others. Half of those MMOs I listed don’t even have a monthly subscription (something we have to pay for here to keep the servers ONLINE - ironically eneough).

Go shill somewhere else please.


If they bring the servers back up and they STILL haven’t fixed the completely broken Legion MSQ, I will personally blow up Dalar…oh wait… :rofl:

4 hours? i don’t see any notice anywhere, this is disgusting


Well actually 7 lol, but theres more than 7 posts today already

And this shows your ignorance of how games operate. The ones without a monthly subscription run off of micro transactions instead of subs

Open your launcher

This post is pure garbage, and I’m going to tell you exactly why.

  1. The OP is spot on—the non-stop maintenance downtime is a complete disaster and something we’ve never seen before. I’ve been around since WoW’s launch, so believe me, this is not normal or acceptable. Players have every damn right to be furious.
  2. Your comments are worse than useless—they’re just antagonistic with no factual backing. The OP stated a fact, and you responded with a pathetic ‘NO.’ That’s not even an argument.

Stop being a Blizzard lackey. The game’s downtime is beyond ridiculous, and essential features like the Auction House are always broken. Blizzard has been screwing up for years, and it’s a joke that they still can’t launch an expansion without making a mess of it.


Yeah, because WoW definitely doesn’t have microtransactions.

What was that about ignorance?


The white knight comes crashing out of the gate to shield the poor megacorp from criticism by bringing up the megacorp’s past sordid performance as justification for current poor performance.

I’d ask you how GW2 was manage to just release an expac without any maintenance whatsoever AT ALL but your simping will tilt any answer.


Wow has micro transactions too. What are you on about?


Or, and this is the correct answer Brainiac, those engines have different rules and don’t require maintenance as often, or it happens completely behind the scenes as I just pointed out to you.

By the way, public forum, I can post where I want. Don’t like it? Too bad. If you want a circle where only people who think like you get to rage about how incompetent you think the developers are, make a discord server.

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I like how you pose questions to yourself so that you can pretend to respond with zingers.


You’re welcome.

It’s actually more disruptive when multiple builds are available in GW2 because it can force you to restart story missions or lose dungeon/raid progress if you’re doing those.

Never said they didnt. But their entire system isnt set up around it where the other ones you mentioned are.

You really should put the hot pockets down and go educate yourself a little about how the world works

If it was non stop, why did I play for 8 uninterrupted hours yesterday?

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