The Maintenance Within

No. Their dev process needs to be reviewed. They shouldn’t need 4 or 8 hours of maintenance. They’re showing incompetence.


I dunno what conversation you think you’re having, but this is a really weird defense.

I pay for access, when I can’t get access multiple days in a row, it makes me not want to pay for the access. Nothing crazy about that.


Cool, I guess you want things to stay broken.

Please stop. Maintenance on this level has never happened with an expansion launch.

I’ve been there for all of them. It has never been this bad.


I want a product that isn’t rushed and is functional enough on release that it doesn’t require daily maintenance.

Yeah, I’m cool like that.


“Dear diary. They are fixing the game. That makes me angy”


Coming from someone who has probably never worked a day of game dev in their life and likely has no clue how anything works behind the scenes… yeah okay dude, whatever you say.

It’s easy to be an armchair developer. Much more difficult to actually do the real thing. Come back when you’ve done the latter before you call anyone incompetent.

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First expansion launch eh?

Okay. You make a game like this and let us know how it goes.

“and if it lasts for 8.1 hours, Imma Eye Beam everything!”


Because no one can be held accountable unless you’re the one doing it…


Because there is no limit to the amount of maintenances per week.


Clearly it must be for some of these people, either that or they’re memory holing past expansions that seriously broke the game. Hell, during WoD I remember the servers were down for days at a time because of serious issues that popped up only after the game went live.

I can easily summarize your long long post:



lol, got em


This is not a normal amount of maintenance for an expac. For those who think it is are just plain wrong. In fact they should add up the time that they are down with the exception of the Tuesday one hour maintenance and add that game time back to my account. No I’m
not going to work and not worry about it, this time is in my wheel house (and many others as well) of play time. I would have rather they waited to get it right before launch. Its been twenty years, how long do they need to get it right. I would lose my job if I put out an inferior product with soo many bugs that they must take the game down every other day.


More like I have a working brain and educated myself.

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WotLK had quite a few when the LFD tool went live as well, and that wasnt even expansion launch

By making assumptions on how developers work? Some education there.


This is either your first expansion, or you’re memory holing a lot of the past expansion launches.

Because every expansion, every single one, has had maintenances outside of the normal tuesday window. Some were so bad that the servers were down for days at a time. You heard that right, days, not hours, days.