The Maintenance Within

TUESDAY is maintenance day… Why is it thursday and server goign down all day… Blizzard better be giving us a free day of wow time. Like idc how little 1 day costs. that sht is still my money for the sub


Oh okay. Your opinion is that these bugs are inevitable. Good call, mate. Time and QA wouldn’t have prevented a bunch of downtime and made a better product.

Why are you so receptive of downtime, but not to a delayed expac?


Thats what tuesdays are for…


I don’t mind the maintenance…
We have to be mindful that Blizzard is a small indie company with limited resources.

Do the maintenance in the middle of the night…! dang numbskulls.


I bet dentists stand to make a fortune this xpac.


I get maintenance happens but it’s always on my days off lol. I don’t get to play a lot, haven’t even finished the main story after hitting 80, and when I do try to log in I’m met with a maintenance message.



You are a gnome. There’s very little that you are “over”.


Yeah you’re right, they didn’t happen to catch onto the glaring and obvious issues (as well as ignoring feedback) during the beta and PTR regarding how broken the early leveling experience was in TWW that also required a 4 hour shut down and maintenance post-launch.

Are you willfully this ignorant?


The biggest issue is Maintenances always being at the same time. Some people can only really play when Blizzard performs their maintenance so it’s more noticeable to them than someone who doesn’t typically play at that time.

It would be nice if they changed the maintenance time once and a while so it’s fair to the whole player base.


nothing like paying $50-70 for a game 20 years ago, and then again 18 years ago, and then again 17 years ago, and then again 15 years ago, and then again, 13 years ago, and then again 11 years ago, and then again 9 years ago, and then again 7 years ago, and then again 5 years ago, and then again, 3 years ago, and then again this year AND $10-15 MONTLY for it to go down every day


Even if the game was offline for 15 days out of the month, you’d still only be paying at most 4 cents per hour to access the game. But in reality, we all ‘lose’ more paid time to things like sleep and work than we do to maintenance. We all seem to be ok with that though, don’t we?

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…what? lol.

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We can always hope it will end early.


This is not a normal amount of maintenance for an expac. For those who think it is are just plain wrong. In fact they should add up the time that they are down with the exception of the Tuesday one hour maintenance and add that game time back to my account. No I’m
not going to work and not worry about it, this time is in my wheel house (and many others as well) of play time. I would have rather they waited to get it right before launch. Its been twenty years, how long do they need to get it right. I would lose my job if I put out an inferior product with soo many bugs that they must take the game down every other day.


So you would prefer 1 sec+ open world lag?

Basically, we all ostensibly pay for 24/7 access to the game. None of us actually requires 24/7 access to the game. Maintenance really isn’t that big a deal because it’s not that much of the total time we pay for.

QA are not wizards dude.

They’re human, just like the rest of us and anyone in QA will outright tell you that a game being in the hands of the playerbase for 1 week is worth 3 months of QA time.

Because QA is limited by how many are on staff, how well funded they are, and the time they have to find and then lock down these bugs when they pop up. (they need to be locked down first and easily replicated, otherwise they can’t be fixed). I actually did QA for a while, do you know what my job looked like?

Running up and down stairs thousands of times, trying to find the exact spot, where if you interacted with the stairs at just the right angle it caused a game crash because someone reported a game crash at that exact spot. It’s a mentally draining job and it’s not enjoyable. Not really. Necessary, but not enjoyable, because QA does catch 95% of the bugs that a game has before it goes live, but that other 5% yeah we miss those. Not on purpose, we just either don’t know they exist, can’t replicate them reliably to lock them down, or fixing them breaks something more important and we need the more important thing more than we need the bug fixed.

Hell, sometimes Blizzard will outright tell players: “Yeah if we give you X it will create bugs and other game issues.” and you lot don’t listen, so Blizzard gives you X, you get the bugs and then go all ‘shocked pikachu’ even though you were told there would be issues. I still remember when that happened because people were begging Blizzard to add more slots to the default backpack.

This is one of the smoothest launches blizzard has had for a product let alone a WoW Expansion what are you even talking about. Is it ideal? Obviously not but this to say this launch is bad when its the best they have ever done just shows you havent been around here long enough and just want to complain.

You do realize there have been maintenance periods that have lasted over 24 hrs right? This tik tok generation has no idea how good they have it and yet they complain about it anyways.