The Maintenance Within

Union work.

Seriously…my gametime is tues wed thurs during the mornings so that cuts out one day off the bat. I wouldnt care if they took 10 hours on tuesday to get it right, but this bs is ridiculous. Meanwhile rogue DS and outlaw bugs go unfixed.


Unions have absolutely nothing to do with this, but hey, go off.


Or you know they could just release the game in a better state. I don’t think that’s too much to ask is it? I mean we pay quite a bit to play this game and the expansions…


I feel bad for the devs who were forced to rush out an expansion that clearly wasn’t ready by some corporate suits.

Imagine releasing a race that can’t drink water to regain mana lololol.


And that is a true story.

WoW team formed a union like a few weeks ago, so now this guy finds a scapegoat in it.
Being anti-union is INSANE.


Yeah, while we’re wishing for things and given options from Carhagen, I’d like them to delay the expac by four months to stop it from being a buggy mess. Carhagen, please put this in effective immediately.

I thought it was 2 hours!
Just now seeing it’s been changing to 4, jesus man nooooo!


servers down again ! till when ?!

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Agree, too many downtime.


I only speak the truth.


Bugs are going to be present in any game release. Sometimes a fix for a previous bug creates more bugs (which is also why some bugs don’t get fixed, because Blizzard does so internally and realizes that the fix breaks something way more important and decide ‘let’s not do that’).

Maintenance, while inconvenient, is needed to fix these bugs. So, pick your poison, you play with bugs or you accept the servers need to be brought down to fix them.

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Unions aren’t a universal good. They have, or can have, their own consequences as well. That being said, I don’t think it has anything to do with game maintenance.


no wow is down.

What we wanted was the bugs to be fixed when they were supposed to be fixed … Y’know during development, beta, ptr testing, any time besides being panic-fixed at the last second on a near daily basis.

Not even mad about maintenance, of course it has to happen but just saying what most of us are thinking.


Or they could, y’know, fix the bugs beforehand, but that would require actual work…


No one said they were universal good, just being against them altogether is insane, which it is.

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And not all bugs are caught during PTR and beta testing.

The recent auction house issues? They weren’t present at all during beta or even during Early Access. Blizzard can’t miraculously see into the future and predict when a bug is going to occur and then fix it before it becomes an issue.

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I think charging for a game and then having 4-8 hours downtime almost daily is pretty wild.