The Maintenance Within

We’re two weeks into a new expansion and people complain like this has been going on for months. Cool your jets.


Did Dragon Flight have this many maintenance days? Feels so long ago now.


I’m just disappointed because Thursday is my day off, and it’s never fun to lose play time when your weekday play time is only like 3 hours.

I get it, but still disappointed. I finally got started on the 80 campaign quest and I wanna see what happens. (This is not an invitation for spoilers =P )


Yeah there has been a lot of down time this expac. And all of the Blizzard white knights will come in here and adjust their glasses and say “Ahctuahuallly…” but it’s annoying and it wouldn’t be tolerated for just about any other product.


Rocks off flavored gem vendor were already hotpatched to be edible and they buffed the well fed buff, but they may still be tweaking more on it.

I knew we wouldn’t finish the run. My point is MOAR MAINTENANCE. MOAR MOAR. ffffff.

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It’s been happening since pre-patch.


The white knights are the only ones who can deem the right amount of time after a launch to be critical. If you do it before their arbitrary timeline, they will don their armor and lances and ride to battle.


That title to this post is incredible!


finally! girl has some serious Daenerys Targaryen vibes

I guess I’ll be a ‘white knight’ for attempting to remind you that this happens with every expansion. People just don’t remember these things once they’ve passed.

Come Midnight, this same thing will happen and we’ll see these threads all over again about how ‘this is the most maintenance we’ve ever seen’. Mark my words!


i dont care about the maintenance downtime necessarily, but the whole non-announced maintenance thing is new and not cool. This one was on the front page the day before, yes, but it was only supposed to be a 2 hour shut down just for it to be changed now to a 4 hour update. The nearly daily downtime is also starting to get old after a month of it every single week.


Maintenance happens, whatever, if they can fix the bugs and improve the game great… but the problem is they should not have released the game when they did if it was so buggy and would require all this maintenance…

From a business perspective I wonder what is better, releasing a product early and in a bad state and getting that influx of money, or delaying the release and admitting it’s not ready and then releasing a finished product? The first gives you that big influx of cash but hurts customer satisfaction, the second probably the reverse. I guess we’re all still here paying the monthly fee so probably makes no difference for Blizzard…

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Yeah, I’m off today and down 4 hours! By the time we are back up I need to start working on dinner! UGH!! Why not do this stuff overnight like 3am?


I have no complaints whatsoever of maintenance going on.

Just wish They would release the changes before they went out so we had something to whine about to pass the time.

Do you want bugs fixed or not?

Because whenever you lot aren’t complaining about this, you’re complaining about bugs, which maintenance is needed to fix so…

You can either have the bugs fixed with maintenance when it’s necessary.
Or you can have access to the service at all times and significant bugs present.

Pick one.


yeah all these white knights are full of it . Way to many of these for this to be ok,


Oh, so…a well functioning game is worse? Gee whiz.

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When I first saw it announced it said only an hour.


Everyone wants the game to run well, and the bugs to be fixed. Duh.

That doesn’t mean we should be happy as customers that we can’t use the product.

4 HOURS MORE this week WTF.