The Maintenance Within

If they really were I’d imagine you wouldn’t have swapped to a level 10 throwaway to announce it.

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Should still charge everyone more. Theyre up earlier more often than not

oh i can read, it’s not there, it usually shows notification, but since like a week or two, nothing

when you got issues with your product reasonable hours should go out the window


My first response to you

Your immediate response.

Now you cry.

You have 1 glad title from BFA S4 which was obtained after you were a lifetime duelist / rival player. Somehow you achieved your highest ever rating and then proceeded to go 200 pts beyond that six days later for the glad.

Then you lie about the # you have on forums. Sounds like a hard carry to me.

20 years of their choice to never make any adjustments to servers is a tech perspective I should care about? LMAO.

I truly don’t care what you think of my posts. If dingus gives you a conniption, go outside.


It’s almost like they didn’t have an alpha or a beta. Or they just ignored everything that was said to them, which is normal.


this is my main sorry im still leveling

Perhaps you need to exit and update the launcher?

I don’t understand how some defend the maintenance timings. Nobody releases a brand new expansion to their MMO and schedules maintenance on almost a daily basis, albeit most only go on for an hour or two. But, still. Sigh.

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You seem to care more than you’re telling yourself. Father.

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I usually keep the launcher open while my PC’s on, and it can occasionally not push notifications for maintenance and such when I wake it up from sleep mode. Restarting the launcher or even switching the game version I’m looking at can force it to push them though if they’re there.

Made me laugh, you get a +1

I said several of both, if you actually did your research you’d see I have 1 glad, 3/4 Hero (can’t remember), and 3 M+ titles ← several titles.

Can’t say I’m surprised with your reading comprehension levels, however.

I didn’t “cry”, I explained why I insulted you, as I don’t make it a habit but I certainly am not above giving it back when someone is a downright imbecile like yourself.

20 years to not attempt to completely rework their system which could brick their entire product; sounds like a lesser evil to me, a huge part of business.

I noticed you happily skipped over my point about your lack of a main, that’s always interesting. Troll.

The other MMO I play has separate Oceanic servers.

Australia is not grouped with NA because

  1. time differences for maintenance
  2. lag

Probably because nobody else made it past year 2 with more than 1 million active players.

Nope, I don’t agree with that.

People are entitled to work reasonable hours. Hell, for most people in America, they’re either sleeping, or are getting up to prepare for school/work. A small minority might be ending their shifts and getting home from work, or they’re really early risers who don’t do anything with their day for one reason or another. But Blizzard shouldn’t be forced to get their staff out of bed at 3am just to please the vocal minority.

Par the course.

It’s not even a meme at this point.

s4 should still be open… if all i can do is quest and put greens on like they are good

you sound like a guy who tips 20% even if the server poops on your plate


One would hope that a shipped game wouldn’t have so many issues to fix with such maintenance, but better late than never…