The Maintenance Within

This is how you complain people…they are not claiming, “Worst ever in the entire history of video games!” just in thier personal experiences.

Sadly, I beleive it is a combination of both.

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Wrong game.

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So you’d rather lose 24 hours, than a few hours of some mornings where very few players are online?

Make it make sense. Lmao.

you think people care to play battle pets in the live game?

The war with maintenance :rofl:

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What is the alternative? Because the game was running properly right before maintenance… so it would have just kept doing… that. Ah was up, quests working, crafting orders good… bloop shutdown in 15.

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I think they find bugs when people begin doing the little, minor things and that was very clearly an example.

I have never even bothered, but yes, believe it or not; there are players who enjoy every little side feature of this game even if YOU don’t care.

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No they could not.

Guild Wars 2’s engine is what allows the developers at Arena Net to do what they do there. They built that engine from the ground up to allow them to do that. For Blizzard to do that they’d need to rebuild the entire engine from the ground up and retool all the server architecture.

But let’s say they wanted to do that, and they put in all the effort to rebuild the engine and retool the server infrastructure, they still couldn’t do that because the methods for the way Arena Net handles their servers to make server downtime a non-issue is patented. So Blizzard can’t use it without their permission, if they try to use it without permission, they’d get sued.

Lmao, I’ve been in every alpha this game has had you goofball.

Ok, prove it. Where is the data that all the testing was M+? You’ve stated these things, prove them.

Or stop talking, either would be good.


What wrong game…the Warbank came out with TWW…EA means Early Access to TWW…sigh

Bro beta tests once, and is now an authority on server maintenance.

No offense? But I 100% do not have to modify my behavior or words to suit you, and you are not a moderator or a forum authority here.

People who bought and play this game are absolutely entitled to voice their opinions within the terms of service without enduring a single solitary shred of abuse from anyone else.

Especially if they’re politely expressing an opinion.


these maintances helps us get good at the game also this has be the smooth xpack ive ever play on launch if u count it the last 4 have been very bad on launch

Blizzard uses mega servers, so does anet, blizzard has the archetecture.

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i cant help but think taking the servers down for a battle pet fix is probably the worst reason ever. obviously its not about the pets this time just throwing that out there


you cant have 2 million people on same server we get a 1000 people in one spot the game freezes. aka asmond gold raid partys

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A thread complaining about maintenance is like farmed by others complaining about maintenance and turned into an echo chamber complaining about maintenance? Color me surprised.

If you’re going to suggest that your argument is justified based merely on how many hearts your posts have, IMO you don’t have a leg to stand on. But then, you’ve never really responded to any opposing posts either so I think a part of you already knows that. By all means, continue attacking the character of others instead of the points they’re making. It’s really telling.

Not even remotely the same thing. That’s like comparing a 2004 VW to a 2012 Lamborghini and saying “They’re both cars! So the creators of the 2004 VW should do what the creators of the 2012 Lamborghini did!”

Again, the technology that Arena Net developed to allow them to do what they do with their game, that makes server maintenance a non-issue, is patented by Arena Net. Blizzard can’t use it even if they wanted to.

Congratulations, we both know you’re lying because if you did you’d know this is actually fairly common.

This is a 20 year old engine using new age tech, it is a spaghetti code of a mess that breaks on certain things and has to be repaired.

If you actually played the beta, you would’ve seen almost ZERO people on the leveling servers, and about 80% of the ones on there were building routes for live to expedite their leveling, and that at one point there was a statistic that 87% of active beta users were on “this goes to eleven” aka, the max level realm where you couldn’t even GO to the new island.

So why don’t you prove me wrong, since every single searchable video of any kind on youtube/twitch is M+/raid testing, with some minor delve testing, and the only outliers are “HERES THE BEST LEVELING ROUTE I FOUND ON BETA”.

You’re clearly a moron, and arrogant to boot, but please continue to aggressively pretend you’re anything but a sad troll who has an anger issue.

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the coding on wow in old days is like dial up of code


And, to repeat this again, it was merely an example of one of the HUNDREDS of different, miniscule variables that players are now experiencing for the first time that all have minor bugs; these all need to be fixed, even if YOU don’t care.

I purely play this game for competitive reasons, I push for HOF and then title and despise RP/questing etc, so don’t make the mistake of thinking I care about those little things, but I can empathize with the fact that the game isn’t all about me.