The Maintenance Within

Release an expansion where they have 0 downtime and 0 maitenance and leave the game as buggy and broken upon release and watch them explode.

Vocal majoirty = major minority

Thereā€™s the door.

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Iā€™ve gotten pretty tired of these constant server shut downs. This is the only time of the day/week I have to play and they are always behind on development. Maybe I should just cancel my subscription for a few months until they figure things out.

Yeah, I like going fast but going from fast to not-fast while flying from node to node caused a whole lot of disconnects.

Still is nothing compared to the time when Afflictionā€™s Soul Flame node destroyed the entire world server in the pre-sharding Dalaran Sewers when farming the Ratstallion.


I think Blizzard should start complaining because you are asleep at night and not playing while they pay to keep the servers up and running

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Its open ā€¦its in CAā€¦staff come in at different times of the day thereā€¦depending what is happeningā€¦

Do it. This is the first expansion release ive played since Legion. I normally come about 3 weeks into the season (4-5 weeks after release) and most things have been ironed out by then

i thought they were a cal company. so at 7 its 5 am no way blizzard office was even open we have custodian working on this

All times are based on Cal times. So when it says 7am, its 7 PST

Exactly, I love the actual 40 man raids thing, and dislike the Raid Finder featureā€¦to me, (my opinion you keyboard warriors), raid finder broke large guilds.

Donā€™t get me wrong large Guilds had issues too, like elitism, but they made raiding FUN!

  1. Gear check (not item rating)
  2. Enchantment of gear
  3. Consumables (food, water, AMMO!)

it was a blast, sadly no of these things exist any more in retail. Raids are like the She Hulk and The Flash had a baby, and called it Group Finder. lol

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So let me get this straight.

You really, honestly think you did something funny and witty by comparing computer servers and software to automobiles?..

And you even took the time to try and belittle and demean me over my opinion! Nice added touch.

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Iā€™m sorry but this is such a stupid take for a company that has been doing this for 2 decades.

Theyā€™re rushing product releases and letting performance and quality go out the window. This stuff has only become worse and worse every year.

Hold them accountable.


7am PDT is 10 am EDTā€¦duhā€¦learn time zonesā€¦some of you need to go back to school and learn Time Zonesā€¦

this is obviously expected but really cant whatever is busted today wait til tuesday? idk whats being fixed but tww is dead til tuesday anyhow, which id be willing to bet maintenance will be extended time and time again

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it went down at 7 denver time i know the time zones in americaā€¦

Oh you better believe there will be more downtime before Tuesday, and a looong downtime on Tuesday also.


Except this had been going on for well before the expansion launch.


What I know as a humble bovine is that this is the first expansion where, in the first couple weeks of it launching, Iā€™ve had four days where I just stopped playing and did something else because the lag and/or disconnects were so bad, it was just too frustrating to try and push through.

I donā€™t mind the maintenance because, as others have noted, the alternative is worse. But it is also atypically frequent and long compared to previous experiences.

My main issue is that this isnā€™t an isolated situation or problem, like with this whole AH mess with the increased table size. Stuff like that will happen, although usually not so significant. Itā€™s just the recurring issues, especially all that lag and the DCā€™s, that come and go and overall just donā€™t seem to be getting any better.

Is this a result of pushing a schedule that was too aggressive or just the natural result of apparently no longer doing all the pre-launch testing, including stress tests, like they used to?

All I know is that things have been really annoying at best and very frustrating at worse. and we havenā€™t even seen the start of the season yet. And we all know how many problems crop up then based on past experience.

/moo :cow:


They could just swap everything over to the same server concept as guild wars 2. That way they can keep servers up while pushing updates and that way the player can choose to restart there game where then they will be put on the updated game server.

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Bā€¦Buā€¦But itā€™s easier to just make fun of people like middle school children at a lunch period for saying mean things about muh favorite game!!!

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