The Maintenance Within

Complain complain complain…if the game was crashing and monster lag going on you’d complain about that too…Just remember now most of the population in the US is at work or school right now…its well known that this time of the morning in the US is the least amount of players in game…matter fact Tuesday’s are the lowest amount why Blizzard uses Tuesday’s as their normal down time …right now there are issues with AH…not working correctly …they also had to put a halt on another part of the game cause of game issues…look at this way…would you rather have a smooth running game or one that is crashing and lagging out…

Many of you were not around for early years of this game…there were days the game wasn’t up at all …then there was the Crash of LK time frame …Call of the Crusade…not only were we down for 10 extended maintenance that day…but within 30 mins of realms coming back up all the realms crashed and stayed crashed for over 32+ hours before some of them came back up…the patch was so bad some players had to reinstall the game cause of damage to their game files…


The Wait Within turned out to be a very prophetic nickname.


You agreed to maintenance affecting server up time when you accepted ToS. You not reading it and/or failing to understand that isnt Blizzards fault

See above

For those who feels it is so easy to keep a system at this level running for 20 years, write your own system, run it and show us how it’s done.

Or just keep whining about the hard work being done to provide you with a game to play. Your choice.

for those complaining, Blizzard Devs are not editing a tiktok with thier iphone, this is actual software development going on here lol.

I know you think you could just ask chatgpt to fix your code and click your heels 3 times.

I just wanted to slowly work on my professions. Is that too much to ask for :pleading_face:

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where is the blizzard office anyway? i dont even think their office has open yet when the servers went down without prompting trade chat to the server count down. no chance id be mad if i wasnt in the middle of a dungeon and the game flat lines. Most the time the chat is spamming server going down

im aware of the tos im just saying how about doing everything you can to keep your customers happy, that is all

Preaching to the choir.

I’d rather have a single day where it’s just totally down where they get their stuff done, than CONSTANTLY going down and up and down and up.


No i hear you. Im the same way. Classic felt like a return to form. But without all the people who made it fun. To me it was like going back to an abandoned arcade that i used to have fun with my friends at 20 years ago.


Maintenance is doing just that

Another shill to put on the ignore list. That’s my choice.


This isn’t the first launch where that’s happened, either. I mean, BfA as an example was mockingly retitled by some as ‘beta for Azeroth’ for exactly this reason.

Again, remembering things from the past is important when it comes to claiming how ‘bad’ something is compared to other things. My whole point isn’t necessarily that TWW’s launch is just fine, but that compared to past expansions it’s not that bad. But that’s because I actually remember what past launches were like and can draw on those memories to compare to. I don’t think you can; since you’re insisting that TWW is the worst, seemingly just based on maintenance hours, you’re either missing or not presenting all the information.

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Yup. A single oil change at 5000 miles will be good for the next 100,000 miles.

Nice thinking there!


“World of Disconnects” is the name im giving it given the amount of disconnects I’ve had to endure.

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clearly not lol see how many people are btching about how often its going down?

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People like you are the reason why they don’t feel the need to issue game time credit for this abysmal launch. This is the worst launch since Wod. We deserve accountability for this bugged out nightmare. We are the beta testers and its not even a meme at this point. I would take out a 2nd mortgage on my house and bet it all on The Dawnbreaker still being a bugged out nightmare once m+ is live.


He’s just spamming the same sentence over and over. Ignore him.


As depressing as it is, this should be expected from Blizzard by now on every expansion release, every content release, and almost every minor patch/hotfix.

It also doesn’t look like its going to change at any point given its been almost 20 years.

The fallacy of ad hominem. If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Clearly you can’t challenge a single point I made with a logical response.

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