The Maintenance Within

No idea, I would assume so, but I do not play classic.

No time like the present to get into the past

Because theyre not based in oceanic. You dont show up to work and sit around for 3 hours getting paid before starting on your projects.

Majority of the population is based in US time zones and therefor thats what you base it off of.

While it sucks for you and i can sympathize (i worked rotating shift work for years so my play times were always wonky), you do whats best for the majority of your customers. Even 10pm for your time zone is an outlier in an outlier

You’re right, I work really hard when I get to work THEN I sit around for 3 hours before going home.

Lol, it’d be nice.

But we’ll never actually know for sure what exactly they’re working on because they straight up don’t tell us. Given the almost daily maintenance since pre-patch tho, I’m guessing they aren’t working on much.

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I always find it amusing seeing people argue that maintenance isn’t a big deal because of out of 24 hours every day, however many hours of maintenance comes up to however many cents of wasted monthly subscription, etc etc.

I mean, sure, if you’re playing 24/7 nonstop, then maintenance will be a small percentage of downtime out of your massive, 720h/month playtime. But for someone who usually plays for, say, 2 to 4 hours starting around 7 AM PDT, a few days a week, these extra maintenances could mean up to 100% of that person’s playtime is compromised, and they can no longer play the game at all, paying for essentially nothing. While someone else maybe plays in late PDT afternoon and never has any hiccups at all from maintenances.

All this to say, it’s a variable thing from person to person, and the cents/hour argument doesn’t really hold much water at an individual level. All of this is agreed upon on EULAs and whatnot, and realistically there’s no way they could please everyone with downtime hours, not arguing that. Best we can hope for is more heads-up to plan accordingly - I’d argue maintenance is hardly scheduled within less than 24h notice.


I tried it, but being I have played since Beta, I just could not get back into it…no idea why really, nothing wrong with it, but I have put over 20 years into my Retail toons, and just did not want to start over I guess.

It’s just a way for them to play weird defense for not getting your money’s worth.
It’s a strange parasocial attachment to the devs/the game.
Kinda sad honestly.

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have you done a dungeon with the bots. omg i can / afk bis healing bis tanking, and when i fly the bots auto follow when i dismount the tank automatically gets agro, bot hunter is doing 1.2milion dps like complete lazy heaven

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For all you shills defending Bliz, have you even looked at the bug reporting forum? What one person considers the “worse” -vs- what another does is completely subjective.

I have been playing since 2006. Went through all those down times and other issues. For me, this xpac IS the worse.

  1. The warbank issues
  2. The AH issues
  3. And the most important of all! The guild banks!!! WE ARE STILL MISSING HUNDREDS OF ITEMS FROM OUR GUILD BANKS!

There are pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of bugs on the bug forum.
They have slowed down now, but in the beginning they were coming in so fast you couldn’t keep up. The reason there hasn’t been more down time is, in my opinion, because they have advanced in their skills.

The guild banks though. That is game ending for many of us!



But you don’t get any of the XP for random matchmaking right?
That’s the only reason I dont do it.


At this point the game has been down more than it’s been up it seems like LOL

I seriously doubt the people who manage the maintenance have zero other responsibilities and would have to sit around for 3 hours with nothing to do lol.

I’m not saying move US maintenance as well btw so doing what’s best for the majority is irrelevant, I just don’t see why they can’t have our downtime a couple hours later. It would still be right in the middle of their work day.

i was lvl 80 only in the dungeon for quest line dnt need exp :stuck_out_tongue:

just gonna go ahead and say it. this game sucks but im here for it

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Well, it basically is that way for many people who can only get their WoW session in during the early mornings (the only time maintenance ever happens).

Once a week is manageable, but multiple days in the week? It’s rough.


I can agree with this 100%, it is all subjective to everyone. I work mid shift, so really have the mornings to play, and Maint happens…it sucks, but not unexpected. Not sure if you are using this or not, but…they do plan on some maint and announce it, just for some reason not on the launcher all the time, (where it would make the most sense!!!)

Weekly Maintenance Schedule


No im not saying they have nothing to do. But when you schedule a project, you want to start it asap so in the event troubles arise (hello extended maintenance), you dont go over your work hours and have to put the game back up in a faulty state and go down again the next day to finish up the project.

Because they take the game down as a whole. This goes back to the aforementioned issue of running into problems.

dude people are paying for this game, overtime is more than okay just like any other industry

You agreed to maintenance affecting server up time when you accepted ToS. You not reading it and/or failing to understand that isnt Blizzards fault