The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

Everything in the scenario is very explicit about the orcs and draenei working together peacefully, including draenei offering schooling to orcs, Geya’rah included. It would have continued like that if AU Xe’ra hadn’t shown up. Nothing has anything to do with what the orcs did under Grom, who Yrel apparently considered a friend up until the DEUS VULTing.


How can it not? Xe’ra shows up and “opens” Yrel’s eyes, tells her “hey look, last time you trusted these brutes they nearly wiped you out, give yourself to me and it won’t happen again. It will happen again, it’s in their nature”

Sure they could’ve been peaceful, but have you ever known peacefulness to last with an Orc?

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You are desperately trying too hard to justify Yrel’s actions lol She is no better than the Burning Legion at this point.


Her methods may be extreme but she isn’t wrong. Better to be a conqueror than a slave…again.


What Yrel did is historical reparation. The Iron Horde deserves no mercy whatsoever. Grommash should not have lived that long.


Again, Yrel isnt just doing this to the Orcs, all the races of Draenor are being purged/converted. Also The Frostwolf clan did nothing to deserve this yet they got hit too.


Interesting. What about the frostwolves who where her allies and fought against the iron horde from the start and she slaughtered for not converting?
Guess it is fitting i suppose. All orcs = orcs and all All Draenei = Eredar no matter their cult status.


She also became and interesting character from a Mary Sue.

Besides, everyone could use a little light in their lives.

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If you give Frostwolve a chance, he cheats on your city and reveals your location for a genocide to happen. Where has this ever happened? … Hmmm better safe than sorry.

Yrel Did Nothing Wrong


Pffft, the second and orc acts innocent it’s even more of a reason not to trust em.

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See she is being merciful to everyone, she could just have the barbaric Orcs killed outright, but she takes them into the fold, into the loving arms of the Naaru.


??? he cheats? Who are you talking about? She killed Durotan, the one who helped liberate her people.

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You know we’re just messing with you right? Like the way people pretend to blindly follow Sylvanas?

So…it’s alright to commit cultural genocide and genocide in general as long as its for a good cause?

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Look at Durotans brother who almost became leader if the Frostwolves. He no doubt would have eventually wanted to shed Draenei blood.

Good thing Yrel is smart enough to correct the issue before it happens.


If a missionary went to Africa to force everyone there to convert to Catholicism or die you would label them incontrovertibly evil. But I guess when Yrel does it then it’s okay. People who latch on to the Light as if it’s a force of ultimate good make me laugh. There’s a thousand examples of this being flagrantly untrue and yet they just keep believing.

The only thing Yrel and her Lightbound has taught me is that our version of Grommash did absolutely nothing wrong when he drank that blood.


Sweet, orc genocide of the draenei 100% justified then. Thanks for clearing that up.


Lol says the mind clouded Warlock.

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She’s not killing them all off , she’s giving them a choice. They’re killing themselves off by not joining…

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