The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

Nothing says “i am a patron of all that is good and well” better than “CONVERT OR DIE”. Yrel is evil, if you see it differently, you’re simply plain wrong.


Yrel is just solving the problem. Orcs are barbaric inbred savages who can’t be trusted, especially during a time of peace. It would only be a matter of time until they started getting antsy and start murdering her people again. She’s doing the right thing and preemptively stops the Orcs.

Shame that she allied herself with the Light and not Death.


There’s a simple test for this. Do Mag’har condone drinking? If yes then they aren’t evil. Does Yrel condemn drinking in the name of the light because “reasons”? If yes, then she’s evil…hic!


“We don’t trust the orcs because they’ll attack us and try to wipe us out during a time of peace so let’s wipe them out during a time of peace.”

It’s no wonder draenei keep getting chased off of the planets they inhabit by the locals.


Well, I mean, blood elves do live a long time, now powered by the void. And Draenei live a long time as well. So I’m sure the Spanish inquisition and its 700 years run will look like a playdate to what Yrel has in store and done so far.

My VE. Urotsukidoji is ready for her as well. :snake: :pie:


I mean am I wrong? They already did it once to her people on regular Draenor and AU Draenor, then they tried that on Azeroth and got put in their place.


2 wrongs don’t make a right bruh. Yrel is full on cray cray and I hope we never see her again or she dies.


Why did they try to wipe them out? Because they thought the draenei weren’t to be trusted and would turn on them when it suited them.

Which, you know, they did. The second the Legion wasn’t a threat anymore.


Wasn’t that some lie that a weak warlock Gul’dan spoon fed them? I mean I know Orcs will believe anything that’s told to them…


Not in the AU. Where, when not wiped out, the draenei did indeed turn on the orcs and basically wanted to enslave them after 30? years of peace.

That doesn’t make the orcs gullible, the draenei actually did turn on them.


The Orcs are literally enslaving them in AU Dran when we show up, unless all that happened in some stupid book offscreen.


Because they don’t trust the draenei not to attack them. Which they did.

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So they struck first, then Yrel stuck back?


They struck preemptively. Which is only wrong if the draenei never turned on them. But they did. Preemptive strikes are perfectly legitimate.

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So then her counter attack was legitimate, it’s just she did it right whereas the Orcs didn’t and they had to flee offworld.


Someones liberal education is showing. Crusades where not about forcing people to covert. Generally the holy crusades were about protecting trade routes. Establishing keeps that could protect the traders, merchants and the oppressed.

Not really, the orcs’ casus belli was to prevent harm to their people from the draenei. The draenei’s was entirely aggressive in nature.

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Yrel before coming to MU Azeroth to get freaky deeky and cosplays LiftsHerTail with Anduin.


Was it though? The Draenei lived through what the Orcs did to them. How can they trust them in a time of “peace”. They had a time of peace and the Orcs broke it on claims of “well they might attack us”. Now that the Draenei are making sure it wont happen again and the Mag’har are sitting there going “so this is what it feels like?”


Yrel and her army are not just killing orcs. They are purging/converting all of Draenor. Doesnt make her or the light any different than the Burning Legion. She has become what she hates.