The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

Hey if the Orcs get there first no harm no foul!

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That’s funny coming from a Voidslave.

You aint messing sheet, yall trying to defend someone/people who say join or die. The same people who killed the very same people who helped free Draenor.

I am not gonna lie, I hope Alliance does bring Yrel in. She could wreck ships up in the SL and would make for some very interesting twists and turns once she has to fight along side light forge and Void Elves and see where her character goes from there.


Telmor send their regards.

In this story Durotan preferred to save his people and commit genocide with the Draenei. I know it’s another timeline, and Durotan only died because it defied the sanctity of the Light. It died in battle, was honored, there’s nothing to complain about.

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I’m a good submissive slave thank you very much.

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You might be the first Alliance player I’m not morally required to death grip into a pack of guards.


Yeah I kinda got that from the name.


You honestly believe we think she’s right? The whole story is terrible and came out of nowhere. Lol, you actually believe it :rofl:

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You are aware there are tonnes of people who legitimately believe she is though, right?

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Durotan memorized a spell, and that makes him evil? He was also really young when that event took place.

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This is not a matter of right or wrong, it is totally subjective. The point is that Yrel has reasons, not to ‘’ get revenge ‘’ or retaliate for what happened to her people (which I would find totally justifiable), she’s doing it followed by a higher purpose.


You are aware it’s Sunday though right? Like if you couldn’t tell this was a BS thread from that alone…

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When the Orcs invaded Telmor, Durotan faced the Draenei who saved him. Durotan killed him.

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Yeah so were Sargeras and Ner’zhul but I don’t see anybody making apologisms for them.


There are always two sides to every story… so far we only know the story from one side. For all we know, the Mag’har may have actually started the war. The only way we will ever know the rest of the story is if we have a return to Draenor style expansion in the future.


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck I just assume it’s an Alliance fanatic tbh. Pretending to have a relatively common viewpoint isn’t really a le epic prank.


But they apologism to Garrosh, so I see nothing wrong.


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No it’s bad, but ya’ll the ones still defending Yrel. And now you’re trying to pass it off as a joke lol

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If I can murder Yrel as a raid boss and steal her pants like we did with Garrosh I’ll call it even.