The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

It’s definitely Sunday.

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I mean regular orcs where the bad guys for most of the early years of this universe.
Good and evil isn’t so cut and dry in this game franchise.

History is written by those who win, dont forget.

You get a +1 just for having a top hat.



AU Velen trusted Yrel. I guess that trust was misplaced. I just hope that since Yrel is bad now and the Mag’har say they will be back, that we will deal with AU Yrel and that this isn’t just another story that will be forgotten like Neptulon.

I really want to deal with Yrel, maybe if we get a light expansion where we have to deal with Naaru’s, Yrel could come in and be the zealot leader they need.

So wait … is this a Sunday thread? Because what it sounds like is you’re stating that a nearly successful cultural genocide against the AU Mag’har is right and good; while the apparent attempted one against the NEs is bad and wrong?

Also, the AU Mag’har did not actually build the path of glory. The AU Mag’har lived in relative peace with the AU Draenei upwards to 30 years. If you pay attention to the dialogue in that scenario, the Warchief of the resistance fighters was Draka in Nagrand. And the AU Mag’har joined the group that just saved them and their culture from being completely eradicated by group of Draenei that rallied behind a fanatic, powerful entity to start a civilization ending crusade. Man, it seems that’s the norm for the Draenei … and the two factions on the Alliance are the outliers.

And btw … it wasn’t JUST the Orcs that Yrel’s light crusade were targeting. They were targeting anyone who wouldn’t fall in line with the cultural Light based hegemony they were building. Orcs; Ogres; Ogron; Gronn; Goren; Saberon; and even Botani all used Eitrigg’s portal to escape Yrel; even if the latter two groups only snuck in and hitched a ride. You wonder why there are no Arrakoa amongst that list? Well … I would wager that they are now extinct in AU Draenor considering their Shadow Worshipping ways.


Yrel is a religious zealot with an army, full stop. She’s a crusader in the worst sense of the word and is every bit as off the rails as X’era wound up becoming.


Yrel seems to be the only alliance leader with any sort of intelligence. We all know it will only be an expansion or two before the orcs go on a murderous rampage again. Then after they’ve deployed plague, genocided the dwarfs, and massacred prisoners, they’ll pinkie swear not to do it again. And then immediately do it again.

I support Yrel in her crusade. Sometimes evil needs to be purged to protect the innocents.

Never forgot the Path of Glory.


Yrel’s getting close to needing the X’era Solution™.

I wonder, is Illidan prepared?

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Xe’ra didn’t lock up any void elves and Alleria listens to the whispers in her head. She should be locked up.

I’m still surprised no one did anything about Xe’ra except throw her body in the netherlight crucible. Illidian should be thrown in jail.

We only have one side of the story on Draenor. The Mag’har we meet make it sound like the “lightbound” were forcibly converted but what if they went willingly?


Except for the fact that the AU Mag’har had nothing to do with that, or any other atrocities committed by the fel orcs.

Better exterminate all us draenei while you’re at it because of our eredar heritage.


Well considering this mysterious “Light Mother” is probably AU Xe’ra … yeah we might actually be in trouble. She seems like the type to not want to stop at just AU Draenor. Certain more radicalized Light based entities seem to have a fixation on purity and hegemony; and it is extremely unlikely that even the more moderate light worship practitioners would escape their radicalism. They need to “save us” from ourselves.

Also, the Path of Glory in AU Draenor was made of Iron Folks. It literally was just a road used to transport military assets to the Dark Portal. It wasn’t paved with the corpses of the Draenei…


A shame I will never get to experience this part of the game due to Allied Races being rep locked, and myself having no intention to level a horde to 120 a farm rep.


Also, to the people that think the Draenor orcs are peaceful people, the WoD preludes pretty much revealed all of them to be ruthless and savage tribes in an equally rough land, with no love for one another and beset by all sides by clearly hostile species (Botani, Ogres, Arakkoa, etc). Just because Durotan and Grom “now all my sins are forgiven” Hellscream were with the good guys at the end of it, it doesn’t mean they were much better, especially regarding Grom.

Now, regarding the anti-theist and speech of light fanaticism… Seriously, you hordies have a ritual in which you leave to fate the destiny of your people. Mak’gora is just that when you allow some bigger, meaner, more psychotic orc to seize power from someone more reasonable by wiping the ground with his face. But of course, “as long as he doesn’t use magic, it is HONORABRU”.


Yes, just the Iron Horde atrocities without the influence of demon blood, which makes them even worse.


Agreed 100%

Convert or die!

Accept the Light or die heathen!


Holy fanatical Yrel did nothing wrong.

Just a bunch of Orcs getting a taste of their own medicine.


No one suspects the Draenei inquisition.

Its all fine and dandy. Until she focus her sights on you and your lot. Sure she’ll take real kind like to all dem void elves with open arms and warm smiles.


This is like trying to call John Connor evil after he tried to escape the Terminators.

In before Yrel shows up to the alliance and asks the nightelves to abandon Elune and their pagan beliefs and succumb to the light or be purged.


:heart_eyes: oh that’s hot. I’d let Radical Yrel do all sorts of things to me!

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And that’s when they’ll have to call in the rocks to the Draenei’s scissors. The MU orcs.