I mean, we’ve pretty clearly established that the vast majority of the orcs from that timeline of Draenor are completely bonkers-aggressive. It’s not showing that Geyah’rah showed up and was like YEAH GENOCIDE!
You keep talking about brain washing. Many of them willingly joined. Like holy crap the Orcs originally drank demon blood so they could be strong and they murdered a bunch of draenei. Yet for some reason they are too good to be bound to the light and fight against darkness. When everyone is lightbound then no one will be.
As of right now I cannot imagine Yrel would ever focus her attentions on our Azeroth. Though there is a huge time difference between our realities so in just a year Yrel might have already destroyed the burning legion. I cannot imagine the burning legion would have much of a chance against a massive military of uncorruptible lightbound warriors.
Here to emphasize this!! Any force that seeks to deprive the mortal races of autonomy could be deemed evil. Mortals giving up autonomy for the sake of gaining power could also be deemed evil. Seriously hoping Blizz develops this story/explores the lights’ treachery further!
It was that or be executed by crazed crusaders. All things considered… not much of a choice.
Yeah, seeing as how we all witnessed a Naaru try to holy doink Illidan’s soul hole without consent, I’m inclined to believe the entire people who all experienced the same thing.
You may not know this, but one of the titles for the Devil is Lightbringer. He isn’t some red horned bull demon, but actually a beautiful Cherub. He uses this appearance as being an Angel of light to deceive an corrupt.
Anyway the point is that appearances are not what they seem. That being said
Lux vult!.
Genocide bad… but genocide in the name of the Light, not so bad.
Apparently A’dal considered Xe’ra the more zealous of their kind. I’m guessing there’s Naaru that truly believe in the light - But at least have a sense of noble morality, then there’s those amongst their kind that plunge into their ideals upon others at any cost, or thought of moral consideration for Free Will.
I dunno, after what happened with Xe’ra, Velen might’ve gone to bat for the Mag’har.
At least, you know, before they joined Team Genocide and pitched in with the death camps and burninating. Anyone that quick to sign on with that probably deserves to get Deus Vulted and I can’t help but file away AU Draenor as a writeoff in general.
The void is basically a gun that tells its owner to shoot people, but way more powerful and influential! Alleria was right to be locked up and it is sort of weird to me why she didn’t just use the light like Turalyon.
None of us can claim any sort of high ground over anyone else – by the very nature of the game all our characters are bloodthirsty mass murderers.
As an aside, the Light’s ideal version of the universe is to suspend everything in crystal for all eternity. So there’s that to consider.
Mag’har just like Void Traitors have major pot holes in their lore and calling them evil is only part of the issue.
The first crusade was to regain control of the Holy land for Christiandom, and was the most successful.
As someone who is also an Atheist the Orcs can all rot. It’s all the same story with them no matter what timeline, “Might makes right, let’s enslave, conquer and kill because we can and our society says it’s alright but oh we got beat so now we don’t believe in that anymore because we’re hypocrites”.
I have more respect for fundamentalists who say, “convert or die” then bloodthirsty monsters who indiscriminately kill because they have no morals. Every bad thing that has happened to the Orcs on both Azeroth and Draenor is their own fault.
no one asked…
It was relevant information because I replied to someone who said they were an Atheist to give insight to their post.
It’s not how it works in WoW universe. If someone is presented as evil - he’s evil
you should write a book and get people interested to meet up and talk about it weekly…