The Mag'har are evil and Yrel isn't

I spent a lot of time with Yrel back in the day, and she is not evil. I believe that the Mag’har kidnapped her and put a fake Yrel in her place. What better way to get compassion from the horde.

Is that so?

I call Illidan to the stand. Illidan, are you prepared to speak to this claim?

Meh she’s just a goat person acting like a goat person. They’ve caused just as many problems as the elves have.

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The Mag’har aren’t evil as you claim OP. The Mag’har are uncorrupted orcs, bound to the spirits and elements of the natural world. Like how Tauren were not aligned with the light until the Cataclysm. The Mag’har were happy on their little world, and they were untouched until the Draenei showed up.

Alternate Draenor as we see in WoD is what happened because Garrosh went back in time to prevent his father Grommash Hellscream from drinking the blood of Mannoroth! What that meant was Garrosh had the things he needed to start his own Horde of uncorrupted Orcs, though he had been corrupted by the Void, which was a terrible narrative twist in MoP, and made WoD a fluster cluck narratively…


The Mag’har aren’t evil, they’re trying to desperately cling to their traditions, despite the now Lightforged going full zealot on the level of the Spanish Inquisition, and trying to colonize Draenor and convert the natural residents(In this case, the Mag’har Orcs), but the Lightforged took it personally when the Mag’har refused to be converted to the light.

Some real world examples I can list include…

The first Crusades were committed with atrocious results of human rights violations, forced conversion, and forced slavery, the aggressors were the militaristic arm of the Ottoman Empire, and they targeted mainly civilians of Europe.

The Lightforged went and sought to convert ALL Orcs to the Light, and their religious zealotry was(at least in the eyes of the Orcs of Draenor) was no different than the corruption pushed by the Burning Legion. Many Orcs died with only the goal of keeping their autonomy.

The Horde took in the Mag’har whom were more refugees from their world being dominated by zealots whom were on a mission to either convert or genocide the local populations.

The Horde player essentially saves the Mag’har from genocide and forced conversion, and they offer to help the Horde as a means to show their appreciation for your heroism in getting them away from what would have been the death of the Mag’har as a whole.

The Mag’har are refugees who choose to fight for the Horde out of an obligation of honor, not to be evil.

Every religion has it’s rightly devout, it’s heretics, and it’s heretically zealous. The Lightforged of Draenor went the route of being heretically zealous. In other words, the Lightforged Draenei went too far in their faith, and did more harm than good, and left a long standing scar in the Mag’har that turned them away from the light.

I just wish we could get the draenei side of this story. The draenei think the orcs are destroying the world, so they aren’t doing what they’re doing for the heck of it.

I also found it hilarious that the orcs give you their sob story, and then are like “Hey, could you go help kill some of our ogre slaves so Geya’rah likes you.”

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A few things things I would like to point out.

People always scream “Orcs always are evil and violent because they tried to kill the AU Draenei” yet seem to forget Garrosh went back and convinced them to. A charismatic leader can convince hundreds of people to do horrible things. I’m sure we can all think of real world scenarios where this has happened.

Now, you may say that it doesn’t excuse what they did, and that’s true. So let’s say exterminatiom of an entire race is justified (it isn’t) bu the actions of the Iron Horde. So does that excuse Yrel trying to exterminate the Frostwolves? The clan that refused, fought against, and helped the Draenei? Does that mean Durotan, someone who fought with Yrel, deserved to die because of the Iron Horde?

Furthermore, by the time we get back to AU Draenor, a new generation of Orcs was well into adulthood, likely bringing in yet ANOTHER generation. So do we kill these orcs that had nothing to do with the Iron Horde?

And as someone has already stated, it wasn’t just the Orcs Yrel was waging war against. It was EVERYTHING on Draenor. All life on Draenor submitted to the Light or it died.

Yrel is clearly a villain. There is no arguing that.


Men & Woman - Sure, but Children?? I don’t recall him going out of his way to kill a child or a group of them - Unless it was a demon(s) hellbent on destroying families, and corrupting what others loved. Other than that, even Illidan had a code of morality & standards.

It is really puzzling how some people are still on denial about Yrel now. It is clear from the scenario what Blizzard wanted to portray happened to AU Draenor now. Yrel even point blank in our character’s face said how everyone needs to submit to the “light” or they are enemies. Our interaction with the ogres, Yrel’s commanders and assassins all point out clearly the objective of the Lightbound. I really think after we conquer darkness that these extreme light fanatics will be our next enemy like FFXIV is doing now.

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Yrel is evil.

Illidan deserved to be stripped of what he was. He doesn’t deserve to be an individual. He deserves to be a tool. He is pure evil and only helps others when it helps his goals.

Why did you reply to me twice to repeat the same bullsh!t? Are you desperate for an argument? Because I have a video that is perfect for you

We are only listening to one side of the story and that was Grom (formerly villain and also canon was even more responsible to sell soul to demons) and left over Maghars.

If they were so bad, then why did some maghars and ogres joined the bandwagon of light ?

Its because the Maghars that joined Horde were too barbaric and still war hungering and had some bad voodoo shamanistic and fel tinkering.

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The Draenei were quite literally foreign invaders on their planet in every respect and in every reality.

Expecting a war-like culture to not go to war with actual aliens that arrived on their planet and began consuming their resources is like expecting a lion to not maul you to death the second your back is turned.


Teldrasill wasn’t genocide. It was a strategic move to take out a powerful stronghold that went a bit too far. Genocide is going out and tracking down every nelf in the world just to kill them all. I don’t support what happened with the tree but genocide is really a unfit word for what happened.


Illidian is one of the most unfortunate and mistreated characters in all of WoW. He has never done something that wasn’t for the protection of his world and his people. He always protected his people, even the ones who betrayed him. He made sacrifices that others wouldn’t make because it was taboo and accepted the consequences of it.

I applaud his actions and killing of a high ranking Naaru. The Naaru saw him as a weapon that could be forcefully turned to the light and got just what they deserved, and no one reprimanded him for it, because they too knew the Naaru were wrong. Now he is the jailer of a titan.

Take your light and get lost, it is not the righteous force you think you’re defending. The Mag’har are not innately evil. The Mag’har orcs she is killing are not the same green orcs we have on our Azeroth. They’re uncorrupted from the blood of Mannoroth. Yrel is fighting the same crusade that Sargeras was fighting, but instead of using fel energy, she’s using the light.

You are blinded by the light.


I wonder if anyone upvoting this nonsense post you made actually played the scenario. I did.

the war is out of self-defense, but the option was given to convert otherwise. either way neutralizes the orc thread and one is peaceful. orcs, being slavers and mas murderers, HATE peaceful.

I did play the scenario and gave my thoughts the moment I completed it. I read all quest text and even spoke to all npcs:

here is a continuation

Nah man, this guy easily:


Was Kael’thas locked away for 10,000 years for saving his people against the invasion of the legion? Nah, nah he wasn’t.


Illidan was immortal, that 10000 years was definitely not perceived as being 10000 years in length, he can suck it up.

Kael’thas watched his entire race be driven to the brink of extinction, forced to fight in a war that saw their numbers further reduced, was imprisoned for doing what was best for his people, and manipulated by demonic entities to twist his desire to do whatever it took to provide for his people into malevolent form for the sake of a bad plot and a new raid.

At least Ilidan got a redemption arc due to his immortal demon soul.

Kael’thas quite literally had fel crystals growing out of his body and somehow he didn’t count. There’s not a character in this lore that has been done a greater disservice than Kael.

I haven’t done the mag’har allied quest chain, basically have no interest in unlocking mag’har orcs. they aren’t even the mag’har orcs of -our- timeline anyways.

Are these the same Alternate Dreanor Orcs that joined the Iron horde?