Yeah yeah, the old “a demon made me do it” story. Sargeras appeared to Velen, Kil’jaeden, and Archimonde as a figure of Light too. Two of the three were gullible enough to drink the kool-aid. It’s all the same, with or without green fire.
We saw that first hand when Xe’ra was forcing Illidan to become lightforged because of some “pre-written destiny” even though Illidan said no numerous times.
With the legion gone, the standing theory is that AU Xe’ra is the one who has contacted Yrel to start this whole “holy crusade”.
Yeah. And now Yrel knows not to trust the demons or those easily corrupted by them. Darkness gains power through nobodies. When everyone is lightbound there is no risk. It would make absolutely no sense for a magic that HEALS people to destroy a planet.
Plants like water but if they only have access to water and none of the other things they like it’s not usually good for the plant.
To be fair, Archimonde would’ve said yes regardless as all he wanted was power. He only exposed his mentor for getting involved with demons to elevate himself in the social standards.
Kil’jaeden required more “convincing” before he agreed though. If anything, KJ was the only gullible one.
I’m sure all those men, women and children Illidan had murdered would totally feel sympathetic for him.
What does that got to do with Xe’ra being an overzealous bi!ch?
If anything, it actually further aids the point as Illidan was not the “guy who made all the right decisions” like Xe’ra made him out to be.
Actually this time it was Balnazzar and later Mal’ganis that turned the crusade evil. The crusade wasn’t evil initially. It was created by the remaining paladins of the silver hand after Arthas disbanded the group. Balnazzar slew a high ranking member and slowly turned the crusade into the zealous organisation it was. Some members saw the transformation before them and left before it got any worse. Those that did started the Argent Dawn.
The crusade even had non-human members in their ranks, as seen by the statues in the hall of champions in the Scarlet Halls dungeon.
Illidan deserved to be punished. Being forced to serve the light would of been the perfect punishment and much more interesting then EVIL BATMAN continuing to be EVIL BATMAN
Yeah and I’m sure when she’s deceived, tricked into doing something because of her zealotry, it’ll all be the demon’s fault too. Because when a demon is involved clearly personal agency doesn’t matter and no one is responsible for their own actions, right?
Plenty of things that heal people can also kill them. Plus Warlocks can heal with lifestones and soulstones anyway so I don’t see what point you’re trying to make. Healing doesn’t make something intrinsically good. The Light kills things just as easily as it heals them, and twice as often.
Extremism is generally evil, and is often the result of initially good intentions.
Yrel wanted to bring the Light to all of Draenor…that’s alright. When some decided that they didn’t want the light she forced it upon them. Then she decided that she would force EVERYONE to convert. That is most definitely evil. All that said I think it is unfortunate what Blizz did to that character.
To use your Taliban analogy, Yrel would be a closer fit there.
Imaging being so invested in a half baked mediocre side story that one has to get aggressive towards others in the defense of a fictional character from a mediocre at best expansion.
That is more of an option than they gave the Draenei in either reality.
I’ve identified the part of your rant that shows how and why Yrel and the Light is evil.
IF you want to choose the light, feel free.
But the Light and Yrel aren’t allowing people the choice to live as they want.
They are dogmatic and tyrannical, and trying to FORCE on pain of death everyone to live under their Light they chose.
That’s evil. That’s far worse than what the Mag’har are today.
Every cosmic domain is corruptive and has the potential for great evil, the Light inlcuded.
And your little bit about the Orcs killing the Draenei? That was the Legion.
You want to call the Legion adn Fel evil, go right ahead.
The Draenei knew what they were, knew when they settled on the Orcs home world that the Legion was chasing them and likely as had happened countless times before would catch up with them. And knew that when that happened, any life on the planet would subjected to the Fel fires.
The Draenei could have passed the world over when they knew it was inhabited by other sentient beings. Yes, they crashed on it. But, they had the capability to leave well before the 200-300 years were up that the Legion took to find them. They can clearly build a dimensional ship in the course of one year given how they made the Vindicaar.
But no, instead, they settled on the planet, colonized it, named it after themselves despite the natives. And then, went about treating the natives like some kind of animal barely worth interacting with. They knew that when the Legion came, they would just leave and leave the Orcs to ruin from the Demons. They did not care.
They could have told the Orcs about the Legion. They could have tried to work with them and help prepare the planet for the inevitable invasion. But no, they kept that to themselves and just planned to leave the Orcs to die as they fled again in the future.
Now, none of that justifies the Orcs slaughtering them. But the Orcs weren’t themselves any more once the Demons tricked them into drinking the Demon blood and becoming Fel enraged. That jacks up every species that’s been infected and corrupted by it. Draenei included. They saw what it did to their own people. It does the same thing to every race. That it happened to the Orcs wasn’t a failing of the Orcs.
But it might have been prevented if the Draenei hadn’t been so arrogant.
So don’t act like the Draenei were blameless in what wound up happening on Draenor. They had a hand in it. Their actions directly lead to the Legion coming there, the Legion would have passed the planet by without notice had they not detected the Draenei magic there acting like a beacon. The brought the demons down on the Orcs, and just got suprised when the Legion was more clever this time than a direct invasion, suberverting the Orcs to act as shock troops for them.
The Mag’har however were not demon corrupted.
And for that, Yrel and the Light decided they had to be purged because the Light wants to corrupt everyone and everything to have to be a part of it so that it can rule uncontested and have dominion and primacy over all.
The Light? Yrel?
It’s not even a question.
IF they were to go further with the Yrel story and hit her more with the villain bat ( giving the Alliance the interesting story they have been asking for) is going to result in the following 2 words .
Horde Bias.
THey say they want one of their heroes to have a villain arc but if and when it happens they will cry foul.
Except you can’t count all Orcs from AU Draenor part of the Iron Horde.
Frostwolf and Laughing Skull were never part of the Iron Horde.
That’s true, but I really doubt the Lightbound are as incorruptible as some people seem to think they are. It is quite easy to assume that the Light is All-Good and if you have more power over the Light then you must be extra good. That in and of itself can very easily manifest as a mad lust for power. Like I was saying, it’s not just the green fire that corrupts. Power corrupts, green or yellow, red or blue, purple or orange. The Light is no different.
I’ll grant you that a demon had a hand in their fall. That much is very true. But to lay the sole responsibility for the Scarlet Crusade’s actions at a demon’s feet is a mistake. The Crusaders were still capable of making their own decisions. They may have been ignorant of the evil they were committing but they still committed that evil willingly. It drove them to ever greater extremes and they made those choices all by themselves.
The Lightbound might not be corruptible by Fel energy but that doesn’t mean they’re fully incorruptible. They can be tricked, they can be misled, they can be stoked to ever greater acts of zealotry. That is how a demon would strike at them: Treachery, deceit, subversion. Especially now that the Burning Legion is shattered.
As a follower of Elune, and of Tyrande - who is currently the Night Warrior avatar of Elune’s wrath - I’m down for war against a X’era-type Light Zealot. I have no issue co-existing with Light-worshiping members of the Alliance. “Convert and serve the Light or die.” level zealots though?
Not the same Draenor
Lol. Yeah because harvesting souls and life essence into items of power is totally not evil.
Once again I have to point out we have never seen any sort of corruption caused by the light. In fact the greatest light users all tend to be upstanding people who will die for the greater good. Fel magic? No. If you embrace fel magic you 99.99% of the time become automatically part of the legion and all goodness inside of you burns out. Even the .01% end up being bungholes. Void magic? Same thing. Only recently has anyone who doesn’t want the void to consume the world been able to use the magic for good. Death magic? I mean the lich king and all the necromancers… I can’t think of a single good guy who uses necromancy.
Life and Light magic tend to be the sources of power that don’t immediately corrupt and remove the will of its user and there has yet to be any kind of proof of the otherwise. You have no information about what happened on AU Draenor or why Yrel decided to take action. She has people from all races of Draenor under her banner and would rather them join her or die quickly. She has a universe to save and a few stupid orcs that would act as a back door for fel/void monsters to invade Draenor are not worth keeping around.