The Madness of Mythic Raiding Restrictions: A Plea for Balance

So you just want blizzard to give out heroic or mythic ilevel for free and ramp up mythic difficulty to skip the gearing process. Got it.

Who is doing the pulling?

It is true…

How many times was razageth nerfed?

There’s a difference between a difficult raid and tuning it so only people who are paid to raid can kill it.

They let the community have a shot after the content has already become stale.

“Hey guys why aren’t you excited to raid the boss we nerfed 50 times now that the big boys are done”

They literally hate their players🤣

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What “interests”? I’m just pointing out that your original post is factually WRONG.

But you just said it was easy and pugs would be banging it quick if it was less restrictive to try?

How would that work when very organized guilds require hundreds of pulls?

All PvE content gets nerfed, just part of the game. The mythic+ dungeons ended as barely a shadow of their launch state despite being an infinite scaling system.

If they would make Mythic Raiding a flex it would be fine… its the set 20 that annoys me… theres no point in having a set number when everything else is flex. It also needs to be able to be a full pug group for those that don’t want to bail on their guilds but want to get some higher gear/kills without being punished

The only barriers are self made.

“You need xyz ilvl to mythic raid”
Says who? There is no ilvl requirement to enter raid

“You need to farm m+ to mythic raid”
Says who?

“You need to commit 20+ hours per week”
Says who?

“You gotta research fights”
Says who?

“You gotta join a guild”
Says who?

“You gotta do this, that, or w/e”
Says who???

The only barrier to mythic raid is that you need to be in a raid group and it is “reccomended” to have 20 people.

Because if it was set at a fair difficulty still much harder than heroic pugs would be clearing

You take the whole tier to get CE and that’s wrong because you got to kill a different version of the boss than other guilds because they nerf it until it’s killable.

They should test the difficulty and release it fairly instead of overbuffing and nerfing if the hall of fame isn’t filling up…

Your CE is not as valuable as an early CE because you killed an easier razageth and blizzard is to blame

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Mythic raiding was never supposed to be easy to get into. I’m not disagreeing that prepping for mythic raiding is like having a second job, but the barrier to entry was always supposed to be high.

My biggest grip is how the lockout works. I don’t have an issue with the fact I’m not good enough to mythic raid until near the end of the patch, and that’s just for the 1st couple (I.e. easiest bosses).

This is the lie right here

You were always good enough

The raid gets nerfed


The 20 cap is stupid and needs to go, everything else scales from 10 to 30 and so should Mythic.

The bulk of CE guilds have been saying this for years.

The loudest champions of “no it needs to stay 20” are people who don’t even raid, and just watch others do it on twitch. Which is why it’s so pointless to even have a discussion about Mythic raiding on this forum.


I appreciate the confidence boost. Thank you.

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I see where you’re coming from regarding the 20-player cap for Mythic raiding. However, it’s important to consider that the 20-player limit may actually contribute to the integrity of the game. This fixed number ensures a consistent level of difficulty and coordination required across all Mythic raiding guilds, providing a clear benchmark for the most challenging content in World of Warcraft.

While it’s true that many Cutting Edge guilds have expressed a desire for scaling similar to other raid difficulties, maintaining a 20-player cap for Mythic raids creates a distinct experience that sets it apart. It’s crucial to have a variety of perspectives in the discussion, not only from those who raid but also from those who watch on Twitch and contribute to the game’s community.

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No, the people who only watch others play on twitch really don’t matter at all.

Blizzard needs to focus on players, not on the view count of streamers.

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I miss 10 man raiding at the top tier honestly, it was the most fun i ever had in raiding, 20 just isn’t a close knit group like 10 is.

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The 20 cap is pointless for everyone BUT the world first players. It is the only viable for them because it keeps the the playing field the most level for them. After world first kill the raid should be changed to flex for everyone else.

World first race should be on its own tournament server anyway, just like arena & M+ championships are.

Blizzard can enforce a strict 20-person-only rule there, and also include all the ridiculous overtuning they always launch on the live realms before removing a few weeks later.

That’s news for me, then. I haven’t made a single cent playing this game.

What week did you kill razageth and how many nerfs before you were “allowed” to kill it?

I’ll give you a hint, world first guilds needed a nerf so it’s at least one

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The problem with threads like this (esp in general discussion) is that they’re populated by people who don’t raid.

It’s on an accuracy level like what you get when you ask a toddler to draw a picture of a fireman.


And? If folks like me are able to kill it with a 2-day, 8-hour weekend guild and have 5 weeks of farm remaining, clearly it isn’t designed for people who get paid to play the game.

The unnerfed version, sure, but there’s a huge difference between “you can kill the first couple bosses within a week or two” and “you can kill the final boss in two weeks.”