Suggestion: remove all active mit, all self healing, now by limiting skill expression, tanks will be more equal in the tanking role from player to player.
You’re not really saying a whole lot, just kind of shooting people down with nothing to add, what’s your suggestion for fixing the tank/healer shortage?
The best runs I have as a healer are when the DPS help out. I’ll be in some super crappy heal-wise situation and suddenly health bars will pop up. Ret throwing off heals, Mage using shields, a well timed Vampiric Embrace, etc etc.
That’s where I think the game is currently. Blizz is trying to push us to be team players by limiting healers and tanks. I’m just not sure if it’s working against us.
3 would be sufficient. They never delivered on making tanks less spikey or backing off on group wide damage. If they finish the job they started in 11.0, they may not need to buff tanks and healers.
What metric are you using to define good, though? Most players aren’t going to care how diverse the high end key meta is unless it trickles down to where they play. Most feedback seems to be that DF S3 was a good M+ season, despite the lack of spec diversity at the top.
There are people who enjoyed rdps surv
There are people who enjoyed combat
There are people who enjoyed Legion Veng DH
All got reworked or half their toolkit stripped because they weren’t healthy for the game