The m+ problem isn't actually that hard to fix

I’ve seen some news talking about the current state of m+

We’ve all been hearing complains about m+, I even remember playing with people saying they sucked during Legion Beta so I’m not gonna listen to those complains, I’ll just call them “haters complains” but it’s fine to see Blizz is starting to listen to the players and how a lot of people doesn’t like the current m+ state
Now, recently I’ve seen two peaks of unhappiness regarding m+
9.0 and Dragonflight s2
You see, back in 9.0 Blizzard decided tanks and healers were too OP so they decided to nerf them.
What happened then?
Well, homogeneous comps started here.
Adds used to hit so hard every tank went oneshoted so the only viable way to do dungeons was kiting the adds and the only tank able to kite and hold aggro at the same time was DH. We also needed something to not let people die in case tank went slowed or lost aggro, so the only healer available at that time was Hpal.
You an check it here:

What did Blizzard do to fix this? Did they buff tanks again so they didn’t die oneshoted?
No, all they did was making kiting not viable anymore, adds started hitting way harder at not melee range since then so instead of fixing the problem now it was bigger.
Since s3 till the end Holy Priest was the only viable healer, just like that, just because of sheer numbers. Holy Priest gave no incredible utility or huge CD, nothing at all, it just had the biggest heals out there because tanks needed those huge heals in order to not die. BDK also became the only viable tank in s3 and s4 just because they had a huge window where Dancing Rune Weapon made them almost immune to melee attacks.

Now, there’s something that only make this problem way bigger. Augmentation Evoker.
Back in Dragonflight this spec was added to the game, a spec that shouldn’t exist at all
Just because of how augmentation works it became meta instantly.
You see, apparently giving % buffs makes something OP (That’s why old items stopped being usable in current content around Pandaria, because some items like Scarab Brooch had an insanely strong niche just because they scaled in % rather than flat numbers) but let’s be honest, would aug ever be used if it wasn’t for their % buffs? I don’t think so, that spec is doomed to be either meta or useless, no inbetween.
Back in Dragonflight we already had that problem, good healer or tank specs centralizing the meta, but groups were never that homogeneus before adding Aug (You can see that on the new I posted here)
Why do I say this situation is so easy to fix then?
Well, because it is, all you need to do is two things, probably 3

1- Delete Augmentation Evoker from the game

Just like that, it’s not a healthy spec, buffing by % only makes the gap bigger between meta and non meta specs even tho they’re mostly used to help the group survive by their utility and versa buffs.

2- Buff tanks and healers

Once tanks don’t die that easily or ALL healers are able to keep the group alife the problem is instantly solved, you won’t need to build comps around the tank only to help him live through the dungeon.

3- Maybe nerfing trash would help too

I don’t really like this point because it just makes the game even easier but with correct tuning this could also help fixing the m+ problem or even replace my solution nº2


a m+ post I mostly agree with?

delete aug


Yeah pretty much

It sort of feels like Blizzard just overthought M+ to the point where they forgot it’s supposed to be fun


I don’t really see a point to change much in M+ with Delves giving 626. Might as well make it harder if that’s what the players who enjoy the mode want.

But yeah, delete Aug. Or make more support specs. Its monopoly is pretty annoying.


Challange Modes were better. No one ever complained about those and they only had bronze silver and gold to them and lots more people could get into them so not a barrier to the lesser geared players. A new or returning player couldn’t get into most keys and can’t get into an average KSM run and certainly not a KSH run. CMs were more player friendly and so new and returning players could get in and do them. Just my opinion. Idk. Maybe more people like keys than liked the CMs.

M+ is not new to blizzard if they wanted to fix it, they would look at their data and see what seasons did good in the past and make changes


Literally any comp can time +10s as long as it has 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps.

The two issues with m+ are:

How long it takes for dps to find a group.

Players feeling like they need to switch spec because of class balance despite every comp being able to time +10s.


Idk if it’s that ismple if we’re considering the last good m+ season was more than 5 years ago

Agree, but
What if you wanna go above 10? I’m doing 7s and 8s on fresh 80 toons, is it normal to get gear and improve your toon to only go from doing 8s to doing 10s? idk

When one pugs, they asume the pugs they’re getting are very likely unskilled, do you want an unskilled bad spec? idk

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Ah yea, but thats not how people play lol, people dont wanna run with non meta classes, i know your not new to m+


I enjoyed the read. Blizz also said they were going to nerf tanks and then adjust the numbers so healers aren’t having to deal with so much burst and yet it’s more bursty than ever.

Let’s call this what it really is and that’s a disdain for casual players to get gear in mythic+


Yeah, until they have to wait on queue for longer than 5 seconds and invite a nonmeta spec.

This of course is ignoring anything above a 12.

Tanks and healers are in a good spot minus BM and some minor balancing between classes. It comes down to doing the mechanics and using your buttons.

BM is the only tank ever used in a +19 aside from prot paladin
BM isn’t bad, a non oneshoteable tank can never be bad, specially in this meta

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Watch Blizzard make it worse :smiley:


You were doing so good too.

When healers are OP they complain about the expectation of dpsing.

M+ is mostly fine below 11. Everything is viable up to that point, and that’s the only content that matters. There are changes that could be made, definitely, but the season is in a better place than it was.

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Not really wrong though, BM can get carried through high keys with hps where other tanks just die. It’s a weird concept

For example BDK is god tier op for most keys in the game, but then turn into unplayable trash when they get 1 shot

BM is kinda just meh throughout the entire keyrange, passing blood eventually at the high end

That’s the only content that matters to me*

Yea I feel this. Seems like no mmo can ever do the trinity correctly.

For the life of me I don’t understand how, in a character optimization based system, people are surprised that you need to maximize your optimization in order to be in the top 1%.

Everything is fine to +10 and even beyond that but, yes, shockingly you are encouraged to pick a specific class if you want to reach for title. Just like you are encouraged to have a specific trinket or spec FOR LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

The game doesn’t and should never have a balance approach that focuses outside of reward ranges.