The m+ problem isn't actually that hard to fix

You can’t play the game because nobody wants to play tank/healer

Ret paladin is the most played dps because it’s not a google docs rotation


Like every CE raid guild has too many tanks and too many healers.

It’s ratio imbalance.

5 man requires more proportionally.

You fix this by making raids need more tanks.

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You seem to think limiting people who you consider ‘bad’ from end game content is a good idea. It’s not if you like more players. Our guild carried so many ‘bad players’ and we still cleared raids and did end game content. we all had fun, they enjoyed running things. Now you have some idea that they ‘don’t deserve’ X items. Well all those people I knew quit over the years. So you got your wish, they are not part of the game any more.


Historically, bad players did not clear everything. I do not see the issue with it continuing that point.

And your achievements show you also did not clear everything, just like me.

That’s another good point, nobody raids CE

Raid difficulties are a mess

It goes from AFK → Tutorial mode → Normal/Easy → Very Difficult with grouping limitations


No, I got CE recently (this week actually.)


It’s a choice because it’s not raid or die.

There are some people who like to play Aug :slight_smile: a support spec.

Better bring MORE support specs and a support-role BUT:
Make them not super OP…make them nice to have!
And then its fine <3 and 6 men groups: tank, healer, support and 3x dps :slight_smile: <33


I stopped reading after ‘’ delete Aug ‘’.

Sure that may be better, but they didn’t

So for the time being delete aug


I disagree.

Give tanks back their self-sustainability, heck even make them op as some suggested here, and there is still plenty to do. Leading the group, pathing, positioning to keep your group alive / help them maximize their damage. To me, that is the fun aspects of tanking without the stress of if you miss-time a defensive you get wrecked.


Better yet, balance the game without tanks in mind because no one should be immortal.

Make every single mob fixate.

Naw, that ain’t it.

Why do you think tanks need to be immortal?

Some interesting ideas in this thread, I think a lot of them could really help and might not be that hard to implement.


Greetings sockpuppet, not enough support for ideas?

100% this.

Problem is, I think a lot of the current devs were former try-hards and just don’t seem to grasp a casuals perspective.


They were easy literally right before this xpack, it was fun

And they definitely weren’t immortal


WOW has always been for “tryhards” because there’s a pinnacle that most find difficult.

No, it wasn’t. It was stupid.

I didn’t say immortal but certainly stronger… they are too busy designing this game for difficulty and challenge they forget the goal should be fun first.


More people played tank before the change, i’m not sure how that’s stupid