The m+ problem isn't actually that hard to fix

Skill issue, that’s it pretty much
As I said, a non oneshoteable tank is inherently viable, always
Even if any other tank performs better on low keys monk is just not oneshoteable while most other tanks can go from 100 to 0 in 1s on high keys
That doesn’t make monk better than prot pal tho, not even close

But then tanking is too hard if people can die.

DPS like big pulls, so if you let even bad tanks pull 2-3 packs dps are happy. If tanks live with lots of chaos around them they are happy, if healer can make life bars go up, they are happy. You know like the first 12 years of WOW.


At the start, tanks had a chance to die to a single mob.

(bc heroics.)


Because monks suck in low/medium keys compared to other tanks, and when they eventually outscale some tanks into the higher keys it’s just infinitely easier to play prot pally at that point

If Prot pally wasn’t broken the tank meta would be a lot more interesting


Till you were over geared. and you do know that arms is the preferred tank spec till very late game, then it usually fury for classic. Shaman could tank leveling. Rogue dodge tanks were a thing for a bit too. So yeah, tell me all about it.

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And m+ you can’t overgear.

So returning to the first 12 years of wow means very weak tanks.

Very strong healers though, also tanks stopped being weak in Cataclysm

You could set it up to be able to over gear everything up to 12, then let try hard see who does it best for bragging rights.

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less strong healers, as opposed to joke content.

Let’s not have the highest rewards become utterly trivial.

M+ title isn’t even on the radar for most.

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In wrath, but I get your point. But tanks were very strong in wrath. That when AOE big pulls became the norm.

because it was entry level content, and people had ICC gear. It’s not that content is easy, just it never scaled.

This thought ruined wow.

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Highest rewards were never trivial, why start now?

Yeah as long as you had a shield because block worked different prior to cataclysm
Unless turbocarried, Bears and DKs died to big AoE packs (Not like they had the tools to hold aggro in those situations anyway)

They were easy to achieve. All the content was easy to get a group and do. More people = better MMO.

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No, they weren’t.

You don’t have the achievements yourself.

I used to frost tank back then man. I promise it wasn’t bad. Howling blast and kite a huge group, and parry attacks, and DS at the right time. it was pretty great.

People don’t understand the game needs to be fun first, competitive later


The game is fun.

Fun doesn’t require people achieving max rewards with trivial ease (which has never happened in WOW.)

My fun depends on me NOT reaching that point.

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