The M+ nerf is good and raiding should always offer the best gear

My point is, it isn’t fun in general. Why should I have to slog through content that isn’t fun?


That’s not really “effort”.

Waiting around is something anyone can do.

you can view my profile you know, its not hidden like yours.

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:clap: :clap: :clap:

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No - the best gear in the game should be from mythic raiding.

Heroic is a joke and doesn’t require skill or commitment. You need more of both to be doing +15’s (without corruption giving 100000% stats).

P.S. your English sucks, but good try.

I don’t really agree that mythic+ (or even PvP) needs to be worse than raiding (well maybe not worse than heroic raiding) but the issue was with the fact you could just farm a mythic 11 all day long. Heroic raids couldn’t even come close to the quantity of loot you can farm in mythics. Not sure what the solution to that problem would have been but it is clear that Blizzard felt it needed to be addressed.

Sorry, I just don’t see what’s super difficult about raiding. Yes, I don’t do it, because I can’t stand raiding.
“Oh, one of the tanks DC’d, guess the raid should fall apart.”
“Oh, that healer only needed the first boss, guess he’s leaving and the raid will fall apart.”
“Oh, hey everyone, spend five minutes on a bio break, and when you come back I’ll remind everyone to watch a 5-10 minute video on this fight that won’t give you any gear anyways.”

How is this fun for people outside of guilds and friends lists? It isn’t, it’s terrible, and should feel terrible.


For a lot of people who can’t invest the time they’ll go “why bother playing this game at all” and quit.


Gonna be one fun ride come October.


This is fair. Another thing wrong with raiding, is just the insane amount of time it takes to do anything. You could spend a fraction of that time doing M+, and get the same or better rewards. Seems to be working fine for people like me.


right here is the issue at the center of it all. Wow is becoming way less of a social game. People getting back into raiding and actually being apart of a community rather than some LFG random will be healthier for the game.

maybe, but forcing people to join guilds to play the game, also sounds like a bad idea.


its not forced, actually M+ will be better gearing in the long run with the vault. It will just be less time efficient. You wont be able to spam farm M+ in the first few weeks and be done.

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Yeah that’s fine, and I agree with you. My point is that raiding is terrible and shouldn’t even be looked at as content, let alone fun.

Thinking this will push people into raiding is a fallacy. It will push people out of the game to greener pastures.

Some of us can’t invest the time needed to raid. It’s not just 1 or two hours in a raid that’s an issue, it’s scheduling that 1-2 hours 2 nights a week. I work a job that’s 24h a day and work all over the place from week to week. I can’t raid because of it.

Instead of creating a game and expecting your players to deal with your design, design the game for your players. That’s how good game devs work, but we don’t have them working for Blizzard anymore, we have Elitest Jerks who think they know better than everyone in spite of the fact they aren’t even close to “Elite” anymore.


I do like the steps blizzard is taking to force social interaction. These forums blow up with cry posts about LFG toxicity. Joining guilds and being placed on the raid roster has a sense of accountability that will never be present in LFG.

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And what is super difficult about running a mythic 10? I mean lets be fair about it a second…

Nothing really. That’s why +10s were on par with Heroic raids, both easy content for casuals who don’t completely suck at the game.

Welp, they have to try something. I’ve been there and not being able to raid, because of work and life issues so I understand. Like I said in my original post though, I had accepted the fact I wouldn’t have the best gear when I couldn’t raid and just played the game casually and for fun.

The problem comes in when you can spam a 10 all day long, where as in raid you can only get loot from the FIRST kill of a week. That is what this change is meant to address, not being able to endlessly farm heroic gear.
