The love rocket drop rate really is a slap in the face

1st kill at a higher rope rate is what they say, but what drop rate?

Second kill, back to the 1/3333 drop rate, the last mount in the game that has a sub 1% drop rate and no BLP (bad luck protection). The Time Reaver from TW content is still sub 1% drop rate, but you can also farm DOTI and get the courser, so that has BLP.

I see people farming hundreds of chances a day, multiple accounts and multi boxing, people with over 10K attempts and nothing. And I seen someone who made a 5D chess move, make multiple Bnet accounts with different emails.

Not multiple WoW1, WoW2 or WoW2, but multiple actual logins under the same name to have more than 1 higher drop rate per day, so if they do get a drop on their alternate Bnet they can organise to transfer across accounts.

Really Blizzard? Is this the type of degenerate gameplay you want from us?


No, it’s the degenerate game play people choose to do.

There’s nothing you can do about degenerates. If it’s not for this, its for something else. Sorry they can’t seem to have perspective in life balance with a video game.

Like everything else, it’s supposed to be a fun diversion, not an obsession.

They made the “once daily” drop worth 100x more than normal. That means that if you were doing less thatn ONE HUNDRED runs per day, the daily boost is a net win. “Hey, now I don’t have to do ONE HUNDRED runs per day, and I can do one, and get on with life.”

But, no, that’s not what happened. And it’s not Blizzs fault.

Degenerates are going to degenerate. These folks should call a gambling hotline.


They have made the first drop rate higher, what % higher, no one knows. Don’t kid yourself coming here thinking you know otherwise, no one in this game knows what the real drop rates are on items, they never tell us.

This is the last mount in the entire game that still has a degenerate drop rate for no reason and like everything else in this game that has had good changes made, they need to do so for this one.

Fact is if they changed this mount and gave us something we could work towards, like a hard mode with a permanent drop rate increase or some form of BLP we would not be farming this much each day.

We are degenerates because Blizzard force our hand with a crappy drop rate for no reason.


True but who created this massive RNG?

Reward Devs acknowledge that as an issue, however; the solution still didn’t solve the multiple runs as the best approach.

Obviously is a player decision, however; Blizzard should restrict the player from those kind of gameplay that leads to a frustating experience and provide a better gameplay regarding Reward and the actual Activity.


Hey man, the rest of us really don’t need to know if you’re getting slapped in the face with the Love Rocket.


It really does feel like they’re playing with people’s hearts with this stuff.


You’re right, and you’re cute, but you’re not Rita cute.


Akapally, you have 864 mounts, can’t you just let some people have a mount you don’t have? Its a mount I bet you would never use after the first week. Most players will never catch up to you and you should be proud of how far you have come, and all with just 2 vicious pvp mounts.


ITT: Absolute no life 864 mounts complains about low drop rate despite no lifing for the other 863 mounts.


No, this is a slap in the face.

/slap :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t5:

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It does suck that there are some mounts you can’t get no matter how much work you put in, the Silent Glider (Soundless) is a good example, and Invincible. I got Headless Horseman in 2010 but still no Love Rocket.


Random luck is random luck.

Back in WoD and during Legion I farmed Rhukmar almost every reset.

I didn’t know the mount drop was 0.01% instead of 1% like it is now, lmfao. If I did, I probably wouldn’t have tried nearly as much as I had.

But you know what? I still got that Solar Spirehawk anyway, during Legion lol.

RNG works in mysterious ways.

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Do you feel your time is being respected?

Just because I made a post does not mean it’s all about me. I’ve been farming those mounts for like 7 years and never once was selfish about it to complain I don’t have enough.

There is nothing wrong with passing on feedback about issues with the game and pointing out what I am seeing other players do that is a bad game play design.


I got mine before the increase happened.

Day 1 ran 40 toons
Day 2 ran 40 toons
Day 3 ran 3 toons, got it on my 3rd try

I mean, it does drop eventually


You were very very VERY lucky.

The drop rate was 1/3333. You got it in 83 attempts :open_mouth:

You sweet summer child.

Winter is coming…

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I think it’s utterly ridiculous that some collectors can be chasing the same mount for over a decade, the fact that their “fix” was to change it from 0.01% to 0.02% (or whatever the hell it was) shows just how little Blizzard cares.

For some very lucky people, there’s every chance that someone like me could still be chasing it for many years to come, just because i get lucky with something (Soundless for example), it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging how stupid something is and supporting calls for change.


Is it really 1/3333? I kind of doubt this. Source/link?
Didn’t they raise the droprate this season?
Also, idk if you said you’re doing this, but log in multiple alts for multiple first kills?

They need to add a slap in the face into the April fools patches this year.