The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

No, you just implied it was crappier and kept referring to yourself as “pure” which is kind of creepy.

I pointed out the difference between them, and stated the one I preferred, that does not mean that I’m telling you which one to like more.

I don’t see how wanting my High elf to be pure, and not corrupted by the void is creepy, but okay.


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The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness of helfers is astounding. Before this week, “Blood Elves are not High Elves! Give me my Alliance High Elves”

Now it’s, “what are the differences between horde and ally High elves”

LMAO give me a break. There are no High Elves, you either are a BLOOD elf or a VOID elf. You’ll remember every time you void racial procs in combat. Fair skin or not.

Unless the term High Elf is now the same with Thalassian Elf and used to describe all elves which come from quel thalas.

Just gonna leave this here. All the reasons why most of the players who wanted Alliance High Elves are getting exactly what they wanted.

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Posting Teli’s video doesn’t really argue any of my points though? Especially considering that this video is just him coming up with a bunch of fan-theories, most of which I don’t really have a problem with.

Like the one where he says blood elves with blue eyes doesn’t automatically make them high elves in the context of what Alliance players were asking for?

Or the point he makes that there’s literally zero reason to call a void elf with high elf customization “corrupted” when they could just be studying how to use the void, not unlike blood elf shadow priests, blood elf warlocks or blood elf death knights.

It is YOUR points that are moot. You’re arguing something that isn’t factual at all. You painting all void elves as corrupted is hilarious given all the high elf NPCs in game with void elves, the new starting experience coming in Shadowlands and Blizzards new design philosophy, that if you can make it, you can be it. I.E Wildhammer Dwarves, Dark Trolls, etc…

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Which is why its a fan-theory video because no developer has actually come forth and officially explained what the meaning behind the blue eyes actually represents for both groups. Could they be High elves from the rift with the void elves? Could they be the High elves we see at the Sunwell with the Blood elves? Let’s not post fan-theory videos like they’re anything more than what they are.

Although if we are to take into consideration what Danuser said in an earlier interview, these options were to help reflect themes found with other subraces, clans, etc of a certain race so that players have more freedom of choice in regards to their character’s past. Hence Wildhammer tattoos for dwarves, and Sand troll customizations for Darkspear trolls.

If these customization options were intended to help players fulfill the “high elf” fantasy for their thalassian elf, it’s reasonable to say that same customization choice was intended for both Void elves, and Blood elves. That being said, both sides can easily say they’re High elves who joined that race, but they’re still members of that race.

But as of now you still show signs of void corruption, whether it be you dark purple blood, your aberrant void-themed hairstyles, or the fact that you glow like a voidy Popsicle every time you enter combat. Or the fact that you don’t have access to a pure light class like Paladin. The difference between being a High elf who joins the blood elves, and a High elf that joins the void elves is one is a political choice, the other is a choice that alters your character on a physical and mental level.

High elf NPCs being around Void elf NPCS does not make Void elves any less corrupted, and certainly doesn’t mean those High elves would agree to becoming void elves themselves.

You do have that choice, you can say your High elf came from any number of backgrounds, whether they be from the Silver Covenant, or maybe even Alleria’s stronghold, but by the time you gain control of your character they have made the choice to become a void elf, it is the very reason behind your racials and unique physical appearance, themes not shared by genuine High elves or Blood elves.

The agency we are given in Shadowlands is our choice of origin, and history, but we ultimately have to accept where those choices have led our characters by the time we get to play them. Fortunately a High elf who’s found themselves with the Blood elves isn’t required to go through any changes, whether that be to their bodies, or minds, while becoming a void elf (as of now) means a complete alteration and departure from what it means to be a standard High elf.

You realize priest are also infused with the light correct?

But on that same topic you can be infused with the void and be still be a priest or a paladin. Just a priest of the void or a paladin of the void.

Before you get on me about a paladin is infused with the light. Yes that is true for a paladin of the light. But a paladin of the void or fel would still be a paladin. It would have a different memento fit the race better since the only two races in the game that are actually paladins are Humans and Dwarfs.

By the time the Scourge got to Quel’thelas, the human kingdoms had all been all but wiped out. How were they supposed to help?


Priests are a unique case because their class is specifically designed to control both the light, and the dark, while classes like Paladins are “conventionally” pure light-wielders. While at some point we may see “Void” paladins (Which actually sounds pretty cool) I believe the choice to not give Void elves paladins was to respect the current lore implications that surround it.

See, I see it slightly different. They use the void to fight the void why wouldn’t they use it in all its forms. It’s hard to think that a void elf priest wouldnt possibly decide to become a “paladin” styled fighter.

As I’ve stated before light and void are two sides of the same coin. Or two personalities in one being. So to me it makes sense.

But I also think that every race should have gotten paladin after the defeat of nzoth because that would have made a lot more sense then death knights. “Nothing against death knights”

Also I’m pretty sure in lore the “holy priest” void elfs use shadow to heal over actual light based spells.

Like holy nova is more then likely shadownova or some thing since we know the void can heal as well as do damage just like the light.

Yeah, personally I don’t see the Alliance not helping Quel’thalas during the scourge attack as “abandonment” either, but many of the High elves did see it that way, and left as a result. Even more left after Dalaran helped Garithos imprison the Blood elves for execution as well, including the high elven archmage who tutored Kael’thas.

In the lore, as far as I’m aware, void elf holy and disc priests don’t exist. They have priest as a class because shadow spec exists.

Paladins are basically light-wielding battle priests. Paladins are not based on the shadow spec of priest, ergo there’s no “void paladin”.

Could there be? I guess? But then you’re talking about an entirely new class like, say, a dark knight.

I’m Alliance and I am not complaining about this. In fact, I am overjoyed. Please don’t group the entire faction with the few holdouts who won’t accept the new customizations as a win. We aren’t a hive mind after all.


Honestly I’m not too bothered by it either if it means I get my blue eyes.

I hope you get even more than that too. San’layn/Dark Ranger options and even non-tentacle hair from void elves if they decide to share hair between Void and Blood Elves.

the exact same way the horde was supposed to keep protect the alliance at the broken shore. despite their lines having broken and their warchief being fatally stabbed.

it doesn’t matter what the reality of the situation was, in both cases one side felt betrayed by the other and caused some deeply seated grudges to form.
certainly didn’t help that an alliance general ended up attacking the elves afterwards as they where trying to flee because they had gotten some assistance from the naga (assistance that general had refused to give them).

logic rarely enters into the picture when you are talking about decades long feuds.

Not really. I’ve refused to accept in-game that my Blood Elf here has anything to do with the Horde and it’s been fine. My RP addon says he’s a Quel’dorei and other laughable BS like “the last Sunstrider.” And now I can do that on the correct faction, meaning I no longer have to avoid my faction’s hub city for being a developing country, nor will I feel cognitive dissonance in battlegrounds as I run around smashing Dwarfs and Humans when it should be Trolls and Orcs.

Fel corruption vs Void corruption.