The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

I’m more surprised they didn’t bring proper ‘High elves’ like literally from the Silver Covenant tbh. Guess having a “void” touched elf sounded interesting. Oh well, here’s hoping Mogu, vrykul, ogre, jinyu, hozen, taunka, frostborn dwarves, etc all make it in eventually.

Classic Snowsong. I made it all up apparently. Well I’m not going to go back and quote all your stuff but the thread was titled… let me see, “Blood Elf Customization in Shadowlands”. I honestly don’t really think going back and finding all your stuff is helpful, I mean anyone can click your profile and read your style of responses if interested. It doesn’t really matter if you’re right or wrong, you’ll just consistently play devil’s advocate regardless. That’s not debating, it’s pretty much disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.

Blood Elf Customization in Shadowlands - #46 by Starlagosa-dentarg

Just look a bit further into this thread, (this is just one example) and you’ll see Snowsong completely dismiss completely logical points about the expansion of Void Elves as a race and do the constant goal post moving she does in this thread. Pretty much regardless of the logic people bring up, and explains how it doesn’t make sense when it does make sense etc.

It’s kind of like those “Change my Mind” memes, when the person doesn’t really want their mind changed nor are they interested in a balanced argument. They are just trying to get their point across and anyone who disagrees or brings up valid reasoning for why their point isn’t correct (which many have done here) they just can’t seem to grasp that. She said it made no sense nor would it happen that Void Elves would get these options, now that they’ve happened she’s saying they’re not legitimate high elves. Just trying to further cement her bias that she can never acknowledge legit Alliance High Elves.


No I think anyone reading the thread will see your post for what it is, everything in mine was backed up enough that it doesn’t require any other follow up. I’m done debating with you.

I think you push your opinion on others in a overly aggressive way and go out of your way to try and make others enjoy what they have less. It doesn’t work, I literally don’t care what you think about the void elves and the Alliance high elves.

I’ll have a lot of fun with my Allerian High Elves and Quel’dorei Steed, the Silver Covenant tabard, hippogryph.

Xox. Gossip Girl :sparkling_heart:


Trust me man, JUST READ HER PROFILE. It’s legit just endless back and forth regardless of perfectly valid reasoning and now “proven” points that she’s wrong. Snowsong is your classic belf fanatic. Even if your high elf is wearing a Silver Covenant Tabard, riding the horse and hippogryph doesn’t matter apparently. Still not a true high elf! But blood elves are, because… well, she loves blood elves and will find any reason to justify it. You can’t argue with a brick wall, and I wasn’t surprised to find she made this thread lol. She stokes the flames of her belf fantasies for all eternity.


I mean the burden of proof is on you, don’t make up random things suggesting that I’ve said them if you cannot actually provide the proof, it’s that simple.

Again, a vague statement that doesn’t actually say anything, it sounds like the purpose of these posts is more about making up things to insult me about, than anything actually concrete. Although, again, I’m not surprised.

Please list these “logical points” about the expansion of Void elves, because again, all it seems like you’re doing is summerizing something without any actual evidence, and all I’m seeing is my support for Blue eyes, or me quoting official statements from Blizzard developers. This is not a case of “bias” this is a case of listening to the information given to us from Blizzard, which is something both sides do.

And yet you’ve done nothing to prove that’s my mentality besides make endless, and rather baseless claims of it. You’ve proven not a single claim about me since you’ve entered this thread, and it’s very clear that your only purpose here is to try to insult me, and not discuss the topic at hand at all.

I said that it wouldn’t happen because Ion stated that it wouldn’t, not because I said it “wouldn’t make sense” or because I had some personal bias against it. It’s like you’re trying to suggest that me listening to what the developers say is a reflection of bias, when it’s what any reasonable person does when it comes to game development.

In the end it sounds like you simply don’t like my points, but you lack the ability to actually argue any of them so you’ve resorted to trying to attack my credibility with completely irrelevant arguments that you have yet to prove at all. Where did I say void elves were the most evil race in the game btw?

In the end the alliance did get High elves, they’re just mutated void high elves.

Snowsong, if you want to spend your time writing essays and playing devil’s advocate and “pretend” your points are good and it’s legitimate arguing, that’s on you. I’ve seen your “arguments” enough to know regardless of if you’re right or wrong, you’ll just keep going on and on repeating yourself about how your points are right or that the person never acknowledged your point when they did.

Here’s your style of arguing from my perspective.

Person: Apple Pies are made of Apples.

Snowsong: Not really, Apples are just a small part of the recipe. There is so much more that goes into Apple Pies and it’s not necessarily true that an Apple is even a key component if you take into account flavor substitutes. Blah blah blah.

Like, no matter what I or anyone else says, as proven with how long this thread and your arguments have gone on (as they typically always do) you will never be convinced nor do you care about being convinced or hearing the other side. It’s all about getting your belf fanatic point across. I just came in to say my piece, and yes yes, I know in Classic Snowsong fashion you will likely deny everything I say as nonsense and dismiss it etc. But hey, just warning others who might right read. Arguing with Snowsong isn’t really worth the time. As said, it’s like talking to a brick wall, PEACE HOMIES.


I mean I know I’m not the one here completely avoiding the topic of the thread by endlessly sidetracking it with your many baseless claims about me you have still yet to prove.

It sounds more like you don’t really have an argument, and so you’ve decided to dedicate yourself to insulting me instead. And as fun as it is to watch you rambling about random things you have not, and cannot prove I’m going to assume that it’s because you probably know that I’m right as well, even if you can’t bring yourself to admit it.

It certainly sounds like your perspective is entirely made up then.

In fact everything you’ve said from the moment you’ve arrived has not only had nothing to do with the topic of the thread, but also completely made up, and still unproven. Now unless you want to actually provide proof of what you’re claiming, or actually discuss the topic of the thread I’m going to have to ask you to stop derailing it with your tiresome ranting.

But you didn’t actually back up anything though? You simply made a bunch of claims, and when I asked you to back them up you immediately said that I was “Bias” and you were done with me.

I actually took the time to explain the logic behind my points, between pointing out the severity of influence between the fel on the blood elves, and the void on the void elves, and what roles they play for each race, to what sort of implications are involved when choosing one of that race.

I mean no one forced you to reply to this thread, it was you who came barging in making a bunch of claims, I simply refuted the logic I felt didn’t make sense. It feels more like you’re taking this topic personally, which is getting in the way of having a civil conversation.

Oh oh oh! I’ll have fun with my Allerian High elves too! Minus the void though. <3

and minus Alleria… :rofl:

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I didn’t want to play as Alleria, so lol Plus I don’t think Auric Sunchaser and all of the other allerian High elves worshipping the Sunwell would be too keen on becoming void elves either.

Yeah that’s why there’s an Alliance team for the island expedition called "Auric’s Angels’, he’s totally going to throw his lot in with the blood elves. :rofl:

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Alliance gets all the belf skin tones while belfs get blue eyes and you think the Alliance got shafted? :roll_eyes:

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Naming a group after him doesn’t mean he has anything to do with it, heck even wowpedia pointed that out.

And since Auric Sunchaser is a High elf representative at the Sunwell who refers to the blood elf leaders as his “lords” and also calls all blood elves and High elves collectively as children of Silvermoon, and urges them all to rally together and protect the Sunwell, I really doubt he, or any of those high elves are going to be okay with cutting ties with the Sunwell to become a void elf.

You do know that’s a fan run site that anyone can edit. For future reference of course dear Snowsong.

Yeah that literally makes zero sense. The ‘high elves’ as we’ve come to know them would never chill with the blood elves. That’s why the purge of Dalaran happened right? Cause the high elves love the blood elves so much. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Blue eyes you’re still a blood elf, peach skin I’m still a void elf, but philosophically, politically, the void elves led by Alleria are much closer to high elves, like it or lump it.

You just want to play a blue eyed blood elf, and that’s okay! But you’re no more of a high elf than a void elf. LOL

I feel for the innocent players who have a sudden interest in asking “But what about the lore?”

You obviously forgot the random Void Elf creation out of thin air.

Hilarious stuff.


It being a fan-run site isn’t the point “dear” the point is that even the wiki acknowledged the lack of any evidence proving his involvement with that group beyond being named after him. And unless you have something that explicitly reflects otherwise, bringing it up doesn’t actually prove anything.

I really doubt that Auric would ever be okay with consorting with the void considering that he positioned himself permanently at the Sunwell as a high elf representative, and is even seen calling for all High elves and Blood elves to rally together and protect it. In fact I’m under the impression most self-respecting High elves would not forsake the Sunwell, or their culture as “children of the sun” to become void elves.

You realize the “purge of dalaran” was only one group of High elves right? That on many occasions High elves get along perfectly well with Blood elves. It’s also worth noting that some of the first “blue eyed” blood elves showed up among the Sunreavers, you know, in a city full of blue eyed high elves.

We see a High elf Ravandwyr in the mage order hall go out of his way to save a Blood elf, and even actively recruit her to the kirin tor, and he showed no signs of aggression or hostility toward her. You even have a High elf by the name Gilveradin Sunchaser who’s drinking buddies with Orcs, and share a questline together.

We have Thalo’thas Brightsun, and his high elven privateers who hate the Alliance as well. Thalo’thas sends you to kill Alliance soldiers, and while you’re at it you rescue a high elf prisoner by the name Gilthares Firebough who calls the Alliance a sham, to which you and him kill many alliance soldiers before returning him to his captain.

Many high and blood elves are also shown working together as members of the Argent Crusade, not aligning themselves with the partisan groups of the Sunreavers or Silver Covenant. Cellian Daybreak occupies the same tent as Crusader Rhydalla and another blood elf crusader and they manage not to be at each other’s throats.

Then we even have Auric himself referring to all High and Blood elves as children of silvermoon, calling for them all to rally behind a blood elf and protect the Sunwell, showing us that High elves are not reluctant to work beside Blood elves.

Being led by Alleria doesn’t make void elves closer to High elves, especially when we consider the fact that she, too has been irreversibly altered by the void. Alleria cannot visit the Sunwell, meanwhile one of her High elves Auric Sunchaser resides there permanently as a High elf representative, the difference? One is a void elf, and only true High/blood elves are allowed to visit.

A blood elf could be any High elf who’s simply decided to join the Horde cause, a void elf is a High elf who’s undegone a complete void transformation that’s altered them.

It’s almost as if you are trying to talk yourself out of rolling a high elf on the Alliance side.

It’s okay you know, to want to be Alliance.

I did not wait all this time to play my pure High elf to play some void-corrupted elf instead, that would defeat the whole purpose. Plus my blonde hair suits my mog, I don’t have any dark-shaded mogs for those void hairstyles.

You don’t know that void elves won’t get blonde hair.

and I didn’t wait this long to play my “pure” high elf stuck in red armor while hanging out in dust pits and tents with Orcs, Trolls, Goblins the undead and green eyed fel infused blood elves, that would defeat the whole purpose.

You like your version, we like ours.

You better get used to it because Blizzard threw out the concept of Lore out of the game when they shoved High Elves in NPCs at Alliance players, randomly conjured Void Elves out of thin air and decided the future of the Nightborne because “Mom she’s a meanie now go get me a icecream”

And you don’t know if they will get them either, the point is that as of now you don’t.

I mean it sounds like you aren’t going to be playing a pure High elf at all, you’re going to be playing a corrupted high elf in blue armor, which you’ve always been able to do. Although, I too have blue armor on myself, so I’m not exactly sure where you were going with that one.

I never told you to not like your version, I was simply pointing out the differences.