The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

Alliance “High Elves” are mostly just Rangers and Mages. While Blood Elves are more complex.

Yeah, I don’t know, glowing like a void popsicle every time I enter combat would end up bothering me too much I think, especially if I decide I want to play something like a High elf holy priest… It would be super startling to be casting holy spells only to see my character suddenly pulsating void magic.

Plus I don’t think I have any mogs that match those voidy hairstyles either…

Blizzard could always add a glyph that changes the look of the void form proc. In fact I hope they do since they are changing the look of the proc in Shadowlands and I’d like the option to use the old version with a glyph if possible.

I don’t think they’ll have an option to remove the glow, (maybe customize it?) but because it also has a pvp functionality they’ll likely not meddle with its visibility too much.

But I don’t see blizzard changing it to anything outside of void themes.

Why does Elisandre address the elves as the Sin’Dorei and Kal’Dorei and Quel’Dorei? Why does the game tooltips also make the distinction? Why does the reputation system make this distinction?

If Void Elves are simply the same as High Elves and Blood Elves, why can’t you make a Paladin Void Elf?

Look you can drink Ions kool aid as much you want, but for the past 12 years the game has been telling me theres a difference. Even now the game tells me theres a difference. So who should I believe, the dev trying to dodge a question? Or the actual game?

Haha I love it!

Yes, exactly.

The cosmetics are all about adding the subraces that players want to rp as.

I think folks just have to accept that high elf is a neutral race with more distinct subraces.

One’s a sinner, the other tries to quell violence.


I think they have a very serious problem with many of the discussions between blood elves and high elves

IF the lore is correct it is not necessarily that the helfs return to silvermoon but that the same source has returned certain physical characteristics in this case more specifically their eyes

But beyond all the political alliance or horde, that the high elves who separated from silvermoon call themselves the true high elves is laughable, it is as elisande said they try to behave as if they were even noble elves

The elves of silvermoon are the ones who defended and reclaimed the city from the high elves, the elves of silvermoon are the ones who control sunwell the holiest site of the high elves, and they are the same ones who are now defending quethalas

Everything that is related to the elven nation of the high elves is being defended by the blood elfs, meanwhile the high elves that did not want to follow them are defending a force that is hostile against their native country

I do not mean by this that the high elves or the blood elfs are better, but man, to call you a high elf renouncing your nation as it makes no sense, and they have never had the intention of even recovering or overthrowing the current government, have been established where they are