The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

Clearly these customizations were intended to suggest that modern High elves can be found among both Void elves, and Blood elves respectfully, but in truth it certainly feels like only the blood elf players are getting the choice to play as the High elves as we’ve all come to know them in World of Warcraft.

A high elf that decides to return home to Quel’thalas isn’t required to make many any changes to their bodies, or beliefs, while the choice to become a void High elf comes with certain lore implications that conflict with traditional High elven values

A High elf paladin for instance, would never actively choose to become a Void elf, nor do I believe that any High elf residing, or making pilgrimages to the Sunwell would be too keen on the idea of suddenly embracing the void themselves either for that matter.


Can you name two High Elf paladins for me, please?


I was thinking the same thing. Do high elf paladins exist? Blood elf paladins exist due to the sunwell and Naaru business.

Silver hand Shieldbearers can be High elf paladins. You can find them in the order hall!


Any Blood Elf Paladin is a High Elf paladin.

They are all the same dang thing.

Silver Covenant elves are High Elves. Blood Elves are High Elves. Void Elves are High Elves.

All of them - High Elves.

Now, can we please talk about something better? Like pirates. Pirates are the best.



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Both wowhead and wowpedia list them as exclusively dwarf and blood elf.

This is true, but High Elven fanboys act like there are High Elf paladins of the Silver Covenant variety who never identified as Blood Elves.

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Meh the way I see it the leader of those original high elves will always be Vereesa and the Silver Covenant. Unless they were to return to Silvermoon, I’ll always see the new Void Elf high elves as the original ones. Sure they’ll look different and will be an extension of the high elven race, but Alliance have always wanted to be considered the High Elves that support the Alliance. That’s more about lore distinction than physical appearance to me. Thankfully, Blizzard have shown they still intend to keep Silver Covenant Alliance along with Vereesa.

Plus not all high elves have blonde hair. Some had white hair like Vereesa and that option is among void elves. So there’ll definitely be options to look closer to Vereesa among the void elves. Plus Void Elves already travel around with the high elves in Stormwind. So thankfully this just means there were some High Elves who returned to Silvermoon going forward, whereas some will stay with the Alliance like the ones Alliance will play as.

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I mean, you can cite fan-run sites or go to the order hall and find them yourself.


here’s a screenshot of one of them if you’re interested.

I did and none existed in my order hall.

But a single generic NPC using the high elf model doesnt justify the massive importance high elf fanboys have placed on the idea of high elf paladins. They’re almost nonexistent as actual characters in lore.


I went and checked and no high elf models actually even stand around the order hall let alone the rest of the game. Only 1 example of a high elf paladin exists and it’s in the form the temporary character you showed that appears.


Theres also a high elven paladin trainer in Dalaran, but he’s right next to the high elven warlock trainer who I’ve been told by high elf fanboys doesnt count as enough reason to possibly justify high elven warlocks, so :man_shrugging:


I mean, the point of these “generic” NPCs is to demonstrate a demographic to the players. Their whole purpose is to flesh-out and reflect the many different possibilities open to races. How many there are isn’t as important as the fact that as high elves the option to be a paladin is open to them, and not void elves.

Theres also actual named night elven paladins in the order hall, but we dont act like paladin is a proper class for night elves.


Expect threads similar to this every day for who knows how long. Thanks Blizzard, you took a controversial topic and just made it a lot worse. Pretty standard at this point. :+1:

These high elves seem like the exception not a major indicator of much.

Me, seeing the Blizz post about the customization: “Oh cool, they’ve given both sides something, everyone will be happy!”



If we’re talking about high elven paladins can we start a conversation about undead paladins as well?

I think that Alleria is the demographic for the players when it comes to using the added skin tones and blue eyes. It’s one of the things many pointed out as a reason to get the skin tones and blue eyes on them.

It’s an indicator that as High elves, the option to be a paladin is very open to them, especially when a Paladin High elf is even given a unique name like “Rulen Lightsreap”

The point is that when you choose a void (high elf) you must also accept the lore implications that surround making a void elf.

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