The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

Which a proper high elf won’t had a case in? You pulled the short straw didn’t you?

its called suspension of disbelief, sometimes its required in RP, shocking i know… for instance, you realize you aren’t ACTUALLY a draenei right… like irl… your just pretending to be one. so play pretend that you are a high elf.

It works better without the thing that ruins the belief. The racials breaks the belief. We gamers calls that belief immersion.

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then just don’t use spatial rift, problem solved, since thats a void elf ability not a high elf one.

Then enthropic embrace! nope. still a nope. void elves will not be a proper compromise, nor ever will.

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sounds like a personal problem then.

Enough with the High elves let’s talk about the races we don’t have .

Alliance -High Gnomes Gnome’dorei fromQuel’geron

Horde - Hgh Ducks Mallar’dorei from Quack’thalas.

Also we need to discuss our savior Lootcifer

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I assume the player void elf was part of the original scholars or the very first generation after the event. You have to understand that the reason why there are no void elf paladins(aside from the obvious Light issue) is that the void elves didn’t simply decided that they wanted to be purple and summon tentacles for funs, they were people looking for more power, some simply for the thrill of it, others to protect their loved ones, something all of them deemed that Arcane, Fel, Light and so on were not strong enough.

So any high elf that goes to Alleria in search of power will become a void elf or in the case with the new customizations, wield it’s power to an degree that changes their hair and allows them to draw from the void from time to time but does not corrupt them entirely, most likely being a more recent generation where the transformation is being better managed.

As I assume Locus Walker is the one in charge of physically linking the High Elves to the void, with similar rituals the other ethereals practiced.

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And they will be playable in shadowlands.

They are ren’dorei as much as Alleria is, just a tittle.

And it matters? Wild hammer dwarves will be playable as a subrace for dwarves. When someone post on the forums it will say “dwarf” but you can say if the dwarf is a wild hammer because of the customizations. Void elves with human skin tones are high elves using void elf tittle.

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Difference is, ironforge dwarfs is refered to as just dwarfs in game. So they can easily get away with teh wildhammer customizations, same with darkspear getting sand trolls, they are just refered to trolls. Void elves is refered in game as void elves. I do not see that changing anytime soon

IKR. They finally give them What they have asked for since BC and what do they do

Cry for them to get Paladins Demon hunters Blonde hair and all the hair styles blood elves have I have seen someone ask for Silvermoon to become neutral pretty much they want every last thing the Blood elves have that velves don’t when lore wise they aren’t even high elves and here ppl are saying oh give high elves this!

When there is no high elf they are void elves with a different skin color.

I thought this would make the Alli players happy pfft I should have known they would not be happy until they get every last thing Blood elves have.

Perfectly polished zandalari paladruids released, meanwhile alliance get dark iron dwarves with one of the eyes still hanging out of its socket because they were too busy polishing up the zandalari golden ink options or they knew eyes were getting updated after BfA and it wasnt worth the effort to fix because of the upcoming update (two years away).

Horde players zooming around on fresh lambos for 15 months while alliance get 6 horse recolors.

Alliance players getting chubby humans with barely any customization

Allance players get diaper babies that cant even wear legs or arms or bracers and they couldnt even be bothered to adjust the existing hat transmogs to fit properly on the diaper babies heads, one of the few transmog slots they do get in game, cant be bothered.

Vulpera? Lets not even go there since its pretty well known just how much time and effort went into them compared to diaper babies by now.

Like how entitled and delusional can you get?

We lost a world tree/capital city and they literally thought they could just tie up that lose end with a half-baked warfront and call it a day.

The very forum post where they announce alliance players can finally acutally almost look like a high elf (horde confirmed can absolutely look like a high elf btw in same post) and what do horde players do? Ask for red eyes. Blue isnt enough they need red. Oh and the nightborne requests, and what else, gosh its so hard to keep up with all these entitled horde players…

Saying that a high elf can casually return to Quel’thalas is gotta be one of the stu- funniest things I’ve ever read. None the less THEY ARE NOT HIGH ELVES they are void elves and blood elves. If a blood elf can have green or yellow eyes it’s not unrealistic for them to get blue eyes just casually like a baby popping out with the original high elven parent genes but that does not make them a high elf and the same can be said about the void elves. Also void elves DO NOT have to be purple to be a void elf, look at Alleria she is a void elf with pale skin. HIGH ELVES ARE NOT BEING ADDED INTO THE GAME, MORE CUSTOMIZATION IS BEING ADDED.

You do realise Kul’tirans took way more development time than any other allied race right?

Here’s the thing, you think Horde gets it so great? Reroll Horde since they are apparently so much better.

Clearly you don’t like what Alliance has available, so why play them? You clearly prefer Horde since they apparently have it so good

You do realize the Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes are the least popular allied races right?

Have you actually tried playing either of them? I have. They are just disappointing. So many layers of disappointment But ya, tell me how they put so much effort into those Kul Tirans, please, go on…

You do realise all you are saying is “my subjective tastes think Horde is better” right?

If you prefer Horde races, just play Horde. It’s as easy as that.


Back on subject please. Alliance HE hates orcs. Horde BE hates humans. Alliance VE gotten exiled from BE’s so they went turn coat. that is your short version.

Oh so thats all the extra effort they put into those Kul Tirans that looked like chubby, half-baked rushed into the game humans with barely any customization options.

I guess I was just blinded by all the unique horde mounts, those amazingly polished zandalari paladruids, and the completely new animations and textures and 2 years of polish vulpera got while I rolled a diaper baby only to find out the bloodsail admiral hat transmog I spent hours earning clips through their disgusting diaper baby heads. Could not be bothered to spend 40 minutes getting that old hat model to at least somewhat fit on the mechagnome head. Nope. Too busy workin on the Vulpera lolxd

I cant even describe how disgusted I am at your faction and your constant, whiny, entitled crying on the internet even though its plain for everyone to see the devs have been playing suck up to Ion and the Horde ever since 7.3.

Go complain about your missing red eyes or your undead options or your vulpera backpack not being good enough in another entitled horde player post please, we don’t have enough of these lately.

Rofl, to be honest I haven’t seen those posts over the overwhelming number of Alliance complaint threads.

Just face it, you don’t like Alliance races, that’s your subjective option. Other people like the Kul Tirans, and the Mechagnomes.

oh just conveniently hasnt noticed anything on the internet all of a sudden. What a shocker! Ok then.