The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

according to the lore blizzard has set up, the high elves are evolving into the blood elves and void elevs and the high elves will eventually die out compleatly
if you look in the void elf starting zone there are high elves coming and turning themselves into void elves and thier numbers are growing.
and the blood elves have now evolved back into thier original high elf selves.

so despite saying blood elf and void elf they are infact the new breed of high elf
if you dont know this you are very misinformed about the lore and need to reeducate yourself

the only reason they wont team up to is due to history between the horde and alliance groups they have very different cultures and beliefs so theyd stay on their respective factions

I think what could canonically seperate the player character alliance helves from horde helves is interest in forbidden dark magic. They don’t have access to the sunwell’s free mana anymore, but they can still rely on things like arcane artifacts and meditation. Alliance helves who are not void touched probably have access to the sunwell.

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infact because of this i honestly expect blizzard to compleatly kill them off with the timeskip to solidify thier choices with the new lore

god willing

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lmao amen man, amen

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No they are blood elves and void elves.

That’s what they are literally coded as in the game. When you look at the tooltip when you select one it says either horde blood elf or alliance void elf.

Doesn’t say either of them are high elves. Because they aren’t. They are horde blood elves and alliance void elves. That’s it. That’s literally what the game says they are.

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One’s a blood elf
The other is a void elf?


ok so you are a troll got it, shoulda figured as much from the beginning but iw anted to give you a chance incase you were just ignorant

Still people can Roleplay as non-corrupted High Elves.

People already did that before, but now its much easier with this visual optional change.

I know technically we are not getting High Elves like they were in WC2, but this is the closet thing we as the Alliance will be getting.

Rulen Lightsreap and Champion Isimode. Do I win a prize? :slight_smile:

But a Blood Elf with blue eyes is still a Blood Elf. And a Void Elf with their natural skin tone is still a Void Elf.

High Elves will still be around, just not playable. But feel free to roleplay all you like.



Blood Elves are Elf, High Elves are Elf, Void Elves are Elf.

All of them - Elf

Stormwind Human are Human, Kultiran Human are Human, Dalaran human are Human

All of them - Human.


Biologically, Blood and High Elves are exactly the same, they just had different eye colours due to what kind of magic they siphoned off of.

Void Elves are only different in the fact their bodies are infused with Void, meaning they probably have the pros and cons that any Void-based creature has, but on a smaller scale. Plus y’know the blue skin, tentacle hair, and constant maddening whispers from the dark beyond.

You could also assume that they were forcibly changed, during the recruitment scenario the whole reason why Void Elves became a thing was because of errant Void energies changing the Elves present. It’s totally plausible that a Paladin could’ve been caught up in it and turned Void, losing his/her connection to the Light in the process.

But the options coming in Shadowlands are purely cosmetic, so don’t expect Void Elf Paladins anytime soon just because you can look like a blue-eyed High Elf.

If we want to get into the biology of it, Elf seems like it would be the Genus rather than the species.

Because we know that High Elf and Night Elf are not the exact same species anymore, even if they descended from them. High Elves evolved into something else.

It’s kind of a technicality, but H. Sapiens(apparently the H is a bad word to the forums) is not the same species as H.Erectus even though one evolved from the other.

That said Blizzard has confirmed that Blood and High Elf are the same thing just going by different names. It follows that unless the void mutation caused significant physiological differences, Void Elf is the same thing as well.

Which traditionally that species was called High Elf, but that seems confusing for people now since we’ve got 2 groups of them refusing to use that name.

Whoa whoa whoa! Stopping you right here bud! The whole of alleria’s storyline is to get revenge against the orcs because they murdered her family! Read up her story lore asap!


yeah, i was already corrected on that, my wc2 lore is a little fuzzy.

Noticed that. I apologize and delete the post.

didn’t need to delete it, i made a lore mistake, it happens and i’m happy to admit that my knowledge isn’t flawless.


This forums needs more of you. You have some humility about you. I like it. But yeah we asked for the elves that never forgot, never forgave. never currupted. It could had been done like the model differences of the 2 troll races or human races (model wise) but we got a cheap shot out of a cheap shot. people are understandably angry. I apologize if I have been aggressive in my post.

Ren’dorei can never return to Silvermoon. We cause really, really bad reactions.

By the way, we’re not high elves.

The difference: one race is Blood Elves and the other race is Void Elves. There are no “high elves” playable.

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If you go to Telogrus rift you can see high elves joining the void elves, those high elves will be playable to the alliance, the same way wild hammers will be playable as a customization for dwarves.