The lore difference between Horde high elves and Alliance High elves?

except the orcs never really went up against the elves directly, they never made it as far as quel’thalas, and the only elves that would have died would be ones who willingly signed up to fight with the alliance.

so i’m sure their families are less pissed off at the orcs who killed their family members who went off knowing they could die.
vs the alliance who left their city, their civilians, and the sunwell to be butchered and corrupted by an alliance prince (he wasn’t the lich king yet, he was still crown prince of lorderon)

so yeah… people you fought against a handful of times, vs the people directly responsible for the destruction of your most sacred city, and the literal source of life for your people… seems an easy choice.

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Elves now getting a variety of eye colors might be due “lore wise” to them having more feeding options/different amounts of corruption. More feeding options due to alliance and horde being at peace and such in shadowlands.

While the lore implications of what these blue eyes actually mean is still up-in-the-air technically, it’s already been stressed by the lead narrative designer that the primary focus for these customization options is to reflect different origins, and choices these characters may have made in their past. While the option to say that you’re a blood elf that has somehow regained their blue eyes is a completely valid option, so is the idea that you were a High elf who has returned to Quel’thalas.

It’s the same logic behind why the Darkspear trolls are getting Sand troll options, and why the Bronzebeard dwarves are getting Wildhammer options. These options are likely to help facilitate the option to say that your character is a High elf who has decided to become a void elf, or join the Blood elves on the Horde, and what has led to that point.

The key difference being what the lore implications are that revolve that choice. A self-identified High elf on the Horde for instance is still pretty much the exact same High elf they’ve always been, while in stark contrast a Void high elf has been changed in many aspects unique only to void elves.


because We are not sure if he is actually a warlock lore wise. His title is summoner. We don’t know what he summons as he has no pet out. he could very well be a warlock trainer for gameplay purposes and actually not use fel magic at all as far as lore is concerned.

Blood elves are traitors who abandoned the grand alliance and sided with the enemies we have fought against alongside each other.

We can play this game both ways. You are either a traitor to quel’thelas or you are a traitor to the alliance.


the alliance abandoned the high elves, that was literally the entire reason why they left and became the blood elves.
its not betrayal when the alliance kicked them to the curb and told em to f off.


This is just a blatant lie. They made it to Quel’thalas, burned the forests, and killed the Windrunners’ younger brother Lirath.


your right, i’d forgotten that part of the lore.

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Well at the end of the day both belves and velves are just roleplaying the original High Elves. The game will still address you as a Belf or Velf, regardless of what either side thinks they are. Unless the starting narrative changes for either side when you choose a blue eyed pale skinned elf, then you’re still just the belf or velf you’ve always been. So both sides might as well just accept these circumstances and be happy we made it this far. Helves for both Alliance and Horde, that’s how it’s seen at the end of the day.

In a way Snowsong, I am glad that both groups are getting these customisations. At at the end of the day though, they’re still Blood Elves in the name, and Void Elves in the name.


How about pirate High Elves? :open_mouth:

I am happy for the people who wanted it, but I would like an appearance option for BElves so we can be visually distinct from void elves. I was thinking now might be the time to ask for pitch black skin tone for the Drow fantasy.

According to lore the High Elves abandoned the Alliance after the second war. The Alliance wasn’t obligated to help them fight the Undead in the third war, even if they didn’t just lose their largest military power and the only supply line into Quel’Thalas.

So the High Elves were traitors to the Alliance.

Oh, finally. Thank you for being someone that understands all Elves originated from High Elves.

Discussion over. End thread.

Arrrrrrrghhhhh matey!

So when I click on your “high elf” in game, why does it say “blood elf”???

the only difference is that the blood elf high elves have a different culture due to their decisions in the past. both are biologically identical so both are high elves thats just all there is to is. one is just corrupted with void though so they have tentacles on thier head

no this is wrong actually. all elves originated from night elves.
the high elves were originally night leves that were banished due to thier life chocies and eventually grew shorter and more fair skinned
this is also why night elves are taller

NO the difference is when I click on a high elf NPC, it says high elf.

When I click on your high elf, it says blood elf. You get to use the blue eyes and now you get all the other bells and whistles, but you are a blood elf, and when I click on you, the game itself says you are a horde blood elf. Doesn’t say alliance high elf, it says horde blood elf.

and when you click on your high elf it says void elf… so…

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When did I say I had a void elf or that it was ever called anything but void elf if i did play one?

I’m not being delusional in here okay lets stay focused.