The irony being that illidan already was (gold eyes) and that is why he is so powerful. It wasn’t his training, it was xe’ra’s influence at birth.
Life is Good because it is how things are designed to be. evil is just decay caused by misuse and death, often seen with the madness that follows spiritual sickness.
A good example of that madness is what happens to humility when it turns evil. GK Chesterton said that people would become so insane that they would imprison themselves in a chair and stop breathing so as to not disturb a bacteria that they somehow feel is equal to their own life.
That madness that cannot tell the difference between a human or a dog or a plant. That kind of thinking (or severe incapability to think, more accurately) killed 2+ billion people over the past 100 years, more than all other death in human history combined even natural causes.
Secondly you show something described by Hillaire Belloc when he was describing how the delusion of gnosticism was adopted. People assumed that evil had to be almighty simply because it was stronger than them, which in turned caused death worship.
The path you are going down ends one place for you.
Always thought of the light and void like day and night. If it was forever day… Plants would bake and everything would suck. Always night. Plants never grow and everything would suck. There must always be a balance.
I’ve always looked at Light and Void as matter and anti-matter, protons And electrons. Nothing more, nothing less. They are opposites of each other in a way.
The Light magic simply has a better affinity for healing living things than Void magic (currently known) does, and thus, our living selves tend to think this is pretty neat. Obviously, undead have a different interpretation.
“Light (and void) and our use of them are a way for the cosmos to know itself” - Khadgar Sagan
Things are also designed to die so that other things can progress and live. Without dying stars, you and I wouldn’t be able to have this conversation.
We may just have a bias that life is good because that’s our reality-status-quo. It’s what we know.
Consider flatlanders. They live in 2 dimensions. The don’t know the concept of depth, or up - just left and right, backwards and forwards. How would they be able to appreciate up or depth? To them, depth is pointless and antithetical to their existence - to some degree, the same as death is to us. Although I’d argue that death is simply a sequentially built-in part of the life cycle.
I am well aware of the materialist religious dogma, and it has no basis for anything at all and so it is useless for trying to one-up someone with it in a philosophical discussion. That you then use a reference to an absurdist book as an example of why you worship death tells me this will not be going anywhere that will end well for you.
Knowing your kind, “immoral” means “anything that does not benefit me.”
That you suicidally question the value of life tells me I am not talking to someone who is on solid ground.
The evidence that the Light is more dangerous and evil than the Void is the fact that the Light has now a more preponderant role in the Horde (evil faction), while the Alliance (good faction) is starting to embrace the Void.
EDIT: I foresee a third Horde coup, overthrowing some Blood Elf Light zealot (probably Liadrin).
As they expanded the lore it always cracked me up that races in WoW worship “The Light”. The Light is just another sphere of magic. What are people even worshipping? It’d be like if Luke Skywalker and Obiwan had to go to force Church to pray for force powers.
Nah, good and evil are imaginary moral concepts applied to things by sentient beings based on their society. Without sentience, there is no good or evil.
What is this “cosmos” and why did you personify it immediately before claiming that humanity merely might have a lesser perspective and that life itself is really a bad thing? Once more, are you alive? Can you do these “what is a chair? am I a chair?” pseudo-philosophizing without being alive?
That hot take of yours was not only evil, it was clearly demonic.
But moving on to the message I am quoting here, you remind me of a CS Lewis quote: Lead us, Evolution, lead us
Up the future’s endless stair:
Chop us, change us, prod us, weed us
For stagnation is despair:
Groping, guessing, yet progressing,
Lead us nobody knows where.
CS Lewis said people would personify a “life force” as a kind of God they could shut off and on like a light. So they could get around the inherent absurdity of atheism, but then hide it away when they wanted to do evil things.
As CS Lewis said elsewhere from what I posted above, truly evil people cannot understand what evil is for the same reason sleeping people cannot understand sleep. Only truly Good people can understand anything at all.
As I said, Good is anything as it was created to be. evil is just decay caused by misuse and death. There is no more actual evil than there is cold; both cold and evil are just an absence.
That you claim they are “imaginary” immediately after trying to claim that life is suspect and must be eradicated does not say kind things about you.
They are fully imaginary concepts. Without the mind of man, they would not exist, which your weird quoting further supports. If man was not on this planet, there would be no good or evil. Just life and death which have nothing to do with good or evil except the values man ascribes to them.
Looking at the big picture and talking about what is, doesn’t make me any less of a good person. I can fully support the morals man has established while still seeing the cosmos for what it is.
If mankind disappeared in the blink of an eye, the world would flourish without us as we’re doing great harm to it. Do I want to see that happen? No.
I wasn’t ignoring anything really, just commenting on the more important bits. Madness only exists within the mind as well. What some call madness, others can call genius.
I can easily tell the difference between a human, dog, and plant. This is why I like dogs more than people too
From a human morals standpoint, 2 billion dying is pretty bad, but from a bigger cosmological picture it means nothing.
From the view of life, it’s normal. Life is death.
Evil can’t be almighty if it’s not a real thing. It’s an imaginary concept of the mind.
Considering the explicitly stated purpose of the demonic is to eradicate both the body and soul of mankind, yes it is.
Absolute Truth does not rely on perception or your consent. For example, tell a chair to dance or tell the sky to stop raining. If reality, and therefore the most elemental part of reality (Goodness), is all founded exclusively on your immediate ego then doing both of those things would be easy.
Can you not do that?
you suicidally claiming that mankind is lesser to other life, and that we must step aside and die so that bacteria and wombats can live on is not only insane, it is pure evil and -yes- demonic. Similar to how you try to point at big things. It is simply a deflection away from you being able to be held accountable for your own action.
Honestly, you are trying to claim that the size of a far away planet means you cannot be Judged. From what are you trying to escape Judgement from?
As I said:
It seems you have taken your gnosticism to a rather absurd extreme. To the point where you honestly seem to believe “whatever displeases me does not exist” or “whatever I ignore does not exist.” In philosophy that is called “voluntarism.”
Tell me, if you shut all of your blinds to hide from the sun, is the sun still there?