The Light is more dangerous than the void

Garson… I’ll have what he is smoking…

Since the Light is literally what caused all life and sustains it, what the tauren is advocating is similar to something CS Lewis said “they cut off the branch they are sitting on.”


No, you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying.

Life is what you make of it. Some people take life and make it something wonderful. Others make it something horrific. Of itself it’s neither good nor evil. It makes good and evil possible.

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Because Velen is too old to keep up with next year’s retconn.


I am understanding what you are saying, and it is total nonsense which is why I reject it.

So you’re saying Jeffrey Dahmer was a positive good?

My understanding is that each primal force is trying to take over the universe and are only kept in check by the other primal forces. The Light is no different from Fel, Void, Life, Arcane or Death (and any other force I forgot). They’re all trying to take over and the sad reality is that we’re helping imbalance them by killing them.

Fel was keeping Void in check and now that we’ve dealth with Fel, Void is going crazy but Void is keeping Light in check so when we kill the Void leaders the Light is going to surge. The cycle will continue because we’re disrupting the balance.

Good is anything as it was created to be.

evil is the attempted destruction of Good because of decay.

That your assertion categorizes a cannibalistic serial killer as “good” means you clearly are out to lunch.

Once more: I am understanding what you are saying, and it is total nonsense which is why I reject it.


Very much so, and your definition of “good” would have to be utterly messed up to consider someone like that as Good.


Ok, good. I love sacrificing their heads to Mother Elune.

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And once the last enemy is defeated, all that remains to conquer the universe is… us.

Who will then ignore you as you burn.

Who needs to rely on a Goddess to survive?

It will be hard to burn all of Azeroth.

Then why are you offering heads to her? It’s like you keep texting even though Elune doesn’t respond.

She did respond though. I’m pretty sure that everything Tyrande does is because Elune allows her to. Plus she gave us these wonderful eyes that let us sneak up on you even better.

But Tyrande couldn’t even kill Blightcaller and we’ve still been massacring NE with those blank black eyes… literally nothing has changed.

The problem here is we don’t know what kind of powerhouse Illidan could have become if he had been light forged.

The issue is everything Illidan did was on his own terms.

What makes life good? What is good for one life form can be devastating for another. Nature does one thing very well…kill. Life is very closely entwined with death.

A plague running rampant is a blossoming of life, but for those afflicted with that life, it means death.

Extinction is the way of life.

Decimating the human population would allow other life to flourish here on our planet.

She did what she was able, she gave them painless death.

You shouldn’t be listening to the whispers of the void, it will drive you to madness…

…but then again if you hold this opinion about the Light then you’ve already gone mad so we gonna have to do something about it…

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