Please explain. I like cheese.
Cheese has 6 letters which is one of the many reasons itâs in my eighth book, the numbers I think would be my friends if they could talk!
808 resonates with analysis, business, and efficiency!
Does this place try and help authors who are trying to get their content into the world or is it another place that is there just to make fun of me for even enteranting the thought of being an author?
its a place that we admire talented and creative authors like yourself
I am not an author, I am a failure.
âYou are not a failure. I like your stories. The rest are just idiots.â
i started reading her stories tonight i like it. its good stuf! really is
âI agree. Extremely different, and very refreshing.â
I would like people to stop trying to encourage me. I am having anxiety attacks every 20 min and just dontâ feel up to it, or woth the trouble.
(Lady Cyndi Lou just shrugs sadly, and hushes up.)
THE NECROS they wont stop
/comforting pat
thumbs through the looking glass and sips on coffee and wiggles toes
Sneaks in with a library card stolen from someone else.
/glances around and shuffles the fiction and non fiction books around
You do realize that library cards are free and there is no need to steal one from someone else.
This is an ongoing experience. If you do not like this thread, or books, or learning, or interacting with your fellow players then you may feel free not to open the thread. Thank you for your understanding and please have a pleasant Sunday.
There goes my promising career as a black market library card smuggler.
You do know that library staff can obviously tell when a card doesnât belong to someone and, according to state laws, you could be in for a heap of crap for doing that, right?