The Library

Bread, you know there is no food allowed in the Library, so why are you in the Library?

“This is a Special Library. We even have a snack room.”

And Bread is the snack.

“No. The Snacks today are Cookies and Milk.”

makes way to the back finds most obscure section crouches in the corner and falls asleep

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Nooo, the snacks are always Gnomes. Gnomes are emergency rations and snack foods.

Cookies and Milk are bedtime measures.

“Our Librarian is NOT for FOOD.”

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/finds a book about sinister traps
very interesting!


Quick some one get this man a Snickers he’s not himself

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(Lady Cyndi Lou hands you a Snickers Candy Bar.)

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Greetings everyone. The library will be closed soon in honor of Art Spiegelman. If you don’t know what is going on there, go read about it. I have a strong stance on banned books. It’s 2022 people.

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Ooooh someone else who knows what a card catalogue is. I don’t feel so alone anymore.

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Apparently it’s 1622 is some parts of the country.

Maybe we can bring witches. Have you read about Abigail Williams?


“Read the book for the full story, but the Movie is good too.”

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Greetings friends. We have a new contributor to the libary.

Hello, I would like to donate my books to your library! The first book is a lists of numbers I think are evil. Such as 8264, 16777219, 73464, 80808, and many more! The second book is a list of numbers I think are cute, like 3, 1000, and 975318650.

I know this is a joke, but as someone who’s worked in libraries for a cumulative 8 years…they’re not quiet places. Not even remotely.