The Library

i didn’t say you were, but i hear a trogg…

I really don’t appreciate this. The library will be closed soon if you keep it up.

hey we’re just trying to be friendly and break Bread


can you help me get out of under here?

(Lady Cyndi Lou commands her Army Of Tiny Robots to free Hawkens from the Bookshelf.)


/dusts self off
thank you.

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“Anytime, Friend.”

The library will be closing soon. Please wrap up thy shenanigans.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou sets her Army Of Tiny Robots to work, cleaning up the Library.)

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enters the library and rps in it

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Hey why is there a yellow R in the library carpet ?

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“That’s the Restricted Books Area.”

Ok now why does it have an ammonia type smell coming from it

“That is from the cleaning solution. My Army Of Tiny Robots have been scrubbing the stains from the Carpet. There was a really bad one, in that spot, so they needed heavy cleaners.”

Maybe they need to stop people from rp’n on the carpet so your robots won’t have to work so hard

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“People are allowed to Role Play in here. It doesn’t mean what you think it means.”


Oh role playing is fine but you sure that was the kind of rp they were doing

“Yes, I am.”

Ok but it’s not my robots cleaning up the mess

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“They sanitize each other as soon as they are done.”