The Library

No that is me imagining Bread as :bacon:

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Moob? You know what to do.

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Gulā€™dan, Kilā€™jaeden, Archimonde, Ragnaros, Aggramar, Ordos and Deathwing already burned it so no worries.

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Grabs :fork_and_knife: and chases Bread around like a mad man


Iā€™ll take them out too! And Waid, waid a minute and donā€™t touch my boss!

The library is closed sir. Thank you for your input but you have intruded upon the wrong soil this evening.

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I will let you know that it is pronounce Wide

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No excuses, shove yourself through those doors widemann.

Moob, you left your jaw over on the card catalogue

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Since you donā€™t know the english language, itā€™s ā€˜pronouncedā€™. Also ā€˜theirā€™ ā€˜theyā€™reā€™ and ā€˜thereā€™. Moob please escort this gentleman from the grounds. Come back when you learn the language. The library is closed.


Get em boss.

Iā€™ll allow this individual to remain for a few moments. What are your credentials sir or madam?

ā€œThatā€™s not his. He ate his in a Hunger Rage, a few years ago. That one you found is just an old Paper Weight.ā€

Hey no lip from you . Oh wait you donā€™t have any

flashes paper

Director Inspector of the Governance of Libraries and Library Related Things

I see. Proceed, Director.

EDIT: MOOB. Stand down. Letā€™s see what thisā€¦ā€˜director inspectorā€™ has to say.

Standing in the corner.

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ummm . . .



Iā€™m running out the corner, come ere.

Moob your primary directive is SHOOT TO KILL