(Lady Cyndi Lou turns on the Ventilation System, to air out the smoky room. Then she pulls out a small silent whistle, and blows on it. Suddenly hundreds of little robots swarm all over the Card Catalog, cleaning, resorting and organizing the cards. They then clean up the Library, to a sparkle, before returning to the shadows.)
Ladies and Gentlemen the library is now closed. Please refrain from asking questions or posting in this thread unless it is related to books and/or reading/procuring knowledge.
The library will re-open tomorrow morning, based upon your behavior here. Otherwise the ruler will come out and punishment shall be executed. Thank you for your understanding.
EDIT: Please refrain from touching the card catalogue unless it is within operating hours.
EDIT: Silverbelle and Orctang please refrain from posting in this thread until it reopens in the morning thank you in advance.