The Library

< sneaks over and moves cards around :smiling_imp:


“They are too oily, and too hard to de-grease.”

OK ladies and gentlemen the library is closing now. Thank you all for your participation. You all are loved from the time you wake up to the time you sleep, and in between. The library will open up again tomorrow morning. Please place your books into the receptacle.

EDIT: Please refrain from touching the card catalogue at this time.

Oh sure threaten us with a good time


THen why is their a gnome in charge ?

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I do not appreciate this tone. I shall ask you once again to leave the library as we are closing now.

< Goes over to card catalogue and proceeds to pull out the cards and shuffle them like a Uno deck then places them back in

< smears :butter: on Bread

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“If you want salty bread, use Vegemite. It tastes better.”

Sir you will regret this decision.

Guards?? snap snap

Ooh a spicy one .

I like my food spicy

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Oh damn, you’ve woken the night guard Moob.


You done goofed. Moob shall escort you to the door.

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You know you don’t get between an orc and his food right .

You don’t want to see me when I’m hangry , you wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry

Orcs killed my family and while I was running and I fell up the stairs and died.

I’m not scared of you big man.

You won’t like me when I’ve lost my patience. Thus Moob. Please exit the facility as we are closing. Place your books on my desk and please refrain from touching the card catalogue thank you in advance.

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I’ll walk him out boss!

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I’ll be impressed if people even know what that is. lol


< pulls pet wolf to side

Who wants a fresh bone

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I won’t ask you again.

Hes capitulated. I see the fear in his eye.

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